Results for Le*b*r (50)
Not yet published.

An Irish manuscript, now lost, known from a note in the Leabhar Breac which states that the copy of Scéla Alaxandair was taken from this manuscript: Agaid Belltaine indiú, hi Cluain Sostai Berchain dam ann oc scribend derid na staire (.i. Alexander) for tus a Liubar Berchain na Clúana. It may also be the Saint beraghans boke listed in a catalogue of the library of the Earls of Kildare.

  • before s. xvin
  • Leabhar Bhriain mheic Dhomhnaill (lost)
Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but cited by name in Keating’s Foras feasa Érinn (iii 32) and Dubhaltach Mac Fhir Bhisigh’s Leabhar mór na ngenealach.

An Irish manuscript now lost but mentioned by Geoffrey Keating in his Foras feasa ar Éirinn. In his prologue he lists the Leabhar Chluana h-Eidhneach Fionntain i Laoighis (‘The book of Clonenagh of Fintan in Laoighis’) among the books of learning (senchas) that were still in existence in his time, whether in original or copied form. A number of further references and citations by Keating suggest that it contained a set of annals, which as Joan Radner has argued, may be related to the now Fragmentary annals of Ireland.

  • 1152 x 1634?

Irish manuscript now lost but cited by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh as a source for his transcription of the text Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib, of which he made a secondary copy in Brussels MS 2569-72 (dated March 1628 from Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath). The title suggests an association with the bardic poet Cú Chonnacht Ó Dálaigh (d. 1139).

  • Leabhar do sgriobh Sioghraidh úa Maolconaire do Roisi ingin Aoda Duibh
  • Leabhar Dubh Molaga
Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but cited as a source in Irish genealogical material.

Manuscript used as an exemplar for texts in the Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 12.

Not yet published.
  • date unknown
  • Leabhar le Eochaidh Ua hIfearnáin
Not yet published.

Lost Irish manuscript of unknown date which according to later colophons, contained a text of Betha Findchua that was copied into the ‘Short book of Ó Buadhacháin’, also lost, and on the basis of the latter, into other manuscripts, including the Book of Lismore.

  • date unknown
  • Leabhar mór, containing the martyrology of Tallaght
Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but apparently credited as a source for three poems in Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 5100-5104, p. 53, in which Suibne is said to have composed the verse: Tuiccther asin rand sin ⁊ as an dá dhán gurab é Suibhne dorinne iad gé gurab ar Moling chuires as sein-leabhar iad .i. leabhur Murchaid meic Briain, “It is understood from this poem (rann) and from the two poems (dán) that Suibne composed them, although the old book, i.e. the book of Murchad mac Briain, attributes them to Moling”). The manuscript is apparently named for Murchad mac Bríain, i.e. son of Brían Bóruma.

  • Leabhar Ruadh Muimhneach
Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but cited as a source for a genealogical tract on the Dál Fiatach.

Irish and Latin variants of the title ‘the Book of Sligo’ are attested in a number of sources from the 15th and 17th centuries. Its identity cannot be established beyond doubt nor is it necessarily true that the references are all to the same manuscript. Pádraig Ó Riain (CGSH, p. lii) has shown that those at least that can be dated to the 17th century refer to the Book of Lecan (Co. Sligo): these are James Ussher’s quotation of a triad about ‘St Patrick’s three Wednesdays’ and a Latin note added (by Ussher?) to a copy of the Vita sancti Declani which credits the Liber Sligunt as the source for a copy of the genealogies of Irish saints. There are two 15th-century mentions by the Irish title Leabhar Sligigh: one by the scribe of Aided Díarmata meic Cerbaill (first recension) in Egerton 1782, who acknowledges the Leabhar Sligig as having been the exemplar of his text; and an honourable co-mention, with Saltair Caisil, in a poem on the king of Tír Conaill, beg. Dimghach do Chonall Clann Dálaigh. Aided Díarmata is not found in the Book of Lecan, at least in the form in which it survives today. Ó Riain allows for the possibility that ‘the Book of Sligo’ “is indeed a lost codex whose name was mistakenly applied in the seventeenth century, perhaps by Ussher, to the well-known Book of Lecan”.

Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but used by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh as an exemplar for the Life of Mo Ling in Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 4190-4200, f. 53v: I nAthcliath do scriobad as Leabhur Tighe Molling. Ocus léiccim Moling atá il-Laidin i muinigin na mbrathar Ccléirigh cidh im Cléirich-sa féin .15. juil. 1628 (‘In Dublin (this) has been copied out of the Book of Timulling. And I leave Moling's miracles, which are in Latin, in trust of the friars Clery, though I myself am a Clery, 15 July, 1628’ - ed. and tr. by Stokes).

  • Leabhrán mheic Seaáin Charraigh Í Maonaigh
Not yet published.

Lost Irish manuscript whose prior existence is known from a reference in the Lebor na hUidre (RIA MS 23 E 25).

A lost Irish manuscript, which is mentioned In the colophon to Aided Nath Í ocus a adnacol in the Lebor na hUidre (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 E 25).