Results for Cardiff (43)

Welsh manuscript collection of religious texts, mainly in the hand of Hywel Fychan. Other parts of the original manuscript are in Peniarth MS 12 and Cardiff MS 3.242.

  • c.1400
  • Hywel Fychan ap Hywel Goch
Not yet published.
  • s. xviii
Not yet published.
  • c.1600
Not yet published.
  • s. xvii
Not yet published.
  • s. xvi/xvii
Not yet published.
  • s. xvii
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 1.362
Not yet published.
  • s. xivin
Not yet published.
  • s. xii/xiii
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.25
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.26
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.39
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.40

Manuscript known best as the Book of Aneirin (Llyfr Aneirin), containing the heroic poem Y Gododdin and a number of gorchanau.

  • s. xiii2
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.112
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.141
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.615
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.617
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.621
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.624
Not yet published.
  • 1536
  • s. xvi4/4
  • Antoni Powell