Results for C (1305)
Not yet published.

A case of 13 slips containing Irish deeds belonging to the 15th to 17th centuries.

  • s. xv–xvii
Not yet published.

Transcripts and translations, made by Eugene O’Curry, of the Irish deeds in TCD MS 1429 and others in his own possession.

  • s. xix
  • Eugene O'Curry
Not yet published.
  • s. xvii
  • Tuileagna Ó Maoil Chonaire, Conas Ó Dubhda

Legal materials, etc.

  • s. xv ?
Not yet published.
Not yet published.
  • s. xv
Not yet published.
  • s. xvi
  • Torna Ó Maoil Chonaire [unidentified]
Not yet published.

Irish Lives of Christ and Mary.

  • s. xvi?

Composite manuscript consisting of vellum manuscripts and two parts of paper (pp. 17-36, 129-219).

  • s. xv-xvi
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436

8 leaves containing a commentary on certain aphorisms of Hippocrates.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436

Two leaves, now in Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436, which formerly belonged to the Book of the White Earl (see Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610, ff. 59–72 + 123–146). It contains a part of the Dinnshenchas Érenn, covering ten places in Ireland.

  • 1453 x 1454
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436/pp. 101-112
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436/pp. 113-128
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436/pp. 220-367
Not yet published.

Irish medical treatises.

  • s. xvi
Not yet published.

Beginning of an Irish-Latin dictionary (Dictionarium Hibernico-Latinum vocum quae occurrunt in S. Scriptura).

  • s. xvii

A manuscript of Keating’s Foras feasa ar Éirinn.

  • s. xvii2
  • Seán mac Torna Ó Maoil Chonaire

A twelfth-century Irish fragment (6 ff) of Boethius's De institutione arithmetica, containing Latin glosses and a single Middle Irish note (f. 5ra).

  • s. xii
Not yet published.

An English translation of Keating’s Foras feasa ar Éirinn, transcribed by Humfry and Th. Moynihan; with additions written on two flyleaves.

Not yet published.

Extracts on the number seven from Irish books.

  • s. xix