Results for G (318)
Not yet published.
  • 1471?
  • Giolla Glas Ó hUiginn
  • Manuscript of Buhez sant Gwenole dated 1580 (lost)
  • Manuscript of Buhez sant Gwenole dated 1608 (lost)
Not yet published.

Manuscript written by Thomas Arthur in 1627 containing a collection of Latin vitae of Irish saints. Thomas Arthur transcribed the lives, apparently from Dublin, Marsh's Library, MS Z 3.1.5, which was lent to him by bishop James Ussher, and was not afraid to modify them as he thought necessary. Some additional items not found in said manuscript are included, including a life of Livinus.

  • 1627
  • Thomas Arthur
  • Metz, Grand Séminaire, MS 1
  • Mullingar, Longford-Westmeath County Library, Gaelic MS 2
  • Namur, Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire, MS 56
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Gough Gen. Top. 16
Not yet published.

14th-century manuscript, in 3 volumes, of Nicholas of Lyra's Postillae perpetuae in universam S. Scripturam, which is a collection of exegetical commentary notes to the Old and New Testaments. Its third volume is known for containing a two Middle Breton phrases in the hand of the scribe, Henri Bossec.

  • s. xivex
  • Henri Bossec
Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, MS 34-36
Not yet published.
  • s. xivex
  • Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, MS 553
  • Pommersfelden, Gräflich Schönbornsche Bibliothek, MS 51/ff. 1-60

A copy of Gregory's Dialogues and the Visio Karoli.

  • c. 1082
  • Iohannes [Irish scribe]
  • Rome, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, MS A 80
  • Rome, Pontifical Irish College Archives, MS CG 1
  • Rome, Pontifical Irish College Archives, MS CG 2
  • Rome, Pontifical Irish College Archives, MS CG 3
  • Rome, Pontifical Irish College Archives, MS CG 4
  • San Marino, Huntington Library, STG Box 26

An important manuscript of the Vita sancti Columbae by Adomnán

  • s. viiiin
  • Dorbéne mac Altaíni
  • Siena, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, MS G.IX.5
St. Gallen, Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana, VadSlg MS 34

Section of a composite manuscript containing a vita of Fintán of Rheinau.

  • s. x/xi