
Princeton, University Library, MS Garrett 70

  • Latin, Irish
  • c. 1082
  • Continental manuscripts containing Irish, Continental manuscripts containing Irish

A copy of Gregory's Dialogues and the Visio Karoli.

Collection: Robert Garrett collection
Garrett 70
theological and exegetical literature visions and eschatology
Provenance and related aspects
Latin Secondary: Irish
c. 1082
c. 1082.
Origin, provenance
Origin: GermanyGermany
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Ratisbon ... Regensburg
Bavarian city.

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Provenance: Czech RepublicCzech Republic
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Vyšší BrodVyšší Brod
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Vyšší Brod (Hohenfurt, Bohemia). The MS was still here when Raphael Pavel consulted it for his catalogue description (publ. 1891).
Later provenance: ass. with Voynich (W. M.)Voynich (W. M.)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Garrett (Robert)Garrett (Robert)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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The American athlete and banker Robert Garrett (1875–1961) acquired the manuscript from W. M. Voynich. In 1942, he donated his vast collection of manuscripts, incl. the present MS, to Princeton University.
Hands, scribes
Hands indexed:
Hand 1 (ff. 1r-86r)

An Irish scribe who signs as Iohannes. See the colophon on f. 86rb.

Iohannes [Irish scribe]Iohannes ... Irish scribe
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Hand 2 (f. 86rb)
Hand 3 (f. 86v)

One or possibly two hands responsible for adding the Visio Karoli, dated by Hoffmann to c.1100 and described by him as writing “im wesentlichen des bayerischen schrägovalen Stils”.

Table of contents

Links to texts use a standardised title for the catalogue and so may or may not reflect what is in the manuscript itself, hence the square brackets. Their appearance comes in three basic varieties, which are signalled through colour coding and the use of icons, , and :

  1. - If a catalogue entry is both available and accessible, a direct link will be made. Such links are blue-ish green and marked by a bookmark icon.
  2. - When a catalogue entry does not exist yet, a desert brown link with a different icon will take you to a page on which relevant information is aggregated, such as relevant publications and other manuscript witnesses if available.
  3. - When a text has been ‘captured’, that is, a catalogue entry exists but is still awaiting publication, the same behaviour applies and a crossed eye icon is added.

The above method of differentiating between links has not been applied yet to texts or citations from texts which are included in the context of other texts, commonly verses.


While it is not a reality yet, CODECS seeks consistency in formatting references to locations of texts and other items of interest in manuscripts. Our preferences may be best explained with some examples:

  • f. 23ra.34: meaning folio 23 recto, first column, line 34
  • f. 96vb.m: meaning folio 96, verso, second column, middle of the page (s = top, m = middle, i = bottom)
    • Note that marg. = marginalia, while m = middle.
  • p. 67b.23: meaning page 67, second column, line 23
The list below has been collated from the table of contents, if available on this page,Progress in this area is being made piecemeal. Full and partial tables of contents are available for a small number of manuscripts. and incoming annotations for individual texts (again, if available).Whenever catalogue entries about texts are annotated with information about particular manuscript witnesses, these manuscripts can be queried for the texts that are linked to them.


Primary sources This section typically includes references to diplomatic editions, facsimiles and photographic reproductions, notably digital image archives, of at least a major portion of the manuscript. For editions of individual texts, see their separate entries.

Digitisation wanted
[ed.] Lash, Elliott, “Princeton MS. Garrett 70 (1081–82) and other Regensburg manuscripts as witnesses to an Irish intercessory formula and the linguistic features of late-eleventh-century Middle Irish”, Peritia 31 (2020): 165–192.  
The Irish/Latin bilingual notes in Princeton MS. Garrett 70 are edited with a discussion of the linguistic details found therein. The eDIL entry for impide ‘intercession’ is updated. Additionally, a linguistic profile of the late eleventh century is created based on the Regensburg manuscripts and other contemporary autographed manuscripts.
New edition of the glosses. Not seen.
[ed.] Meyer, Kuno, “Neu aufgefundene altirische Glossen”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912): 173–177.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
177 Irish glosses (provisional), photographs of which were provided by the librarian Philibert Panhölzl.

Secondary sources (select)

Skemer, Don C., Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, 2 vols, Publications of the Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, 2013.  
This two-volume catalogue is the first comprehensive scholarly description of the Western medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, one of the finest collections in America. The rich holdings comprise more than 420 manuscripts in the Robert Garrett, Grenville Kane, Robert Taylor, Cotsen Library, and Princeton collections; manuscripts bound with incunables in the Rare Books Division; hundreds of single leaves and cuttings; and about 5,000 original documents in six other collections. The catalogue offers full textual, paleographic, codicological, art-historical, and iconographical descriptions; detailed provenance notes; and full bibliographies. About a third are illuminated manuscripts, which are selectively illustrated in the catalogue’s 128 color plates, which contain nearly 400 images.
Vol. 1, 137–139 Not seen.
Hoffmann, Hartmut, “Irische Schreiber in Deutschland im 11. Jahrhundert”, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 59 (2003): 97–120.
DigiZeitschriften: <link>
De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson, Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 2 vols, Reprint ed., New York: Kraus, 1961.
Pavel, Raphael, “Beschreibung der im Stifte Hohenfurt befindlichen Handschriften”, in: Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Cistercienser-Stifte, 2 vols, vol. 2: Wilhering, Schlierbach, Ossegg, Hohenfurt, Stams, 2.2, Vienna, 1891. 165–223, 224–346, 347–461 (index).
Internet Archive: <link>
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
March 2012, last updated: August 2023