Results for Book (172)
Not yet published.

Lost Irish manuscript of unknown date which according to later colophons, contained a text of Betha Findchua that was copied into the ‘Short book of Ó Buadhacháin’, also lost, and on the basis of the latter, into other manuscripts, including the Book of Lismore.

  • date unknown
Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but apparently credited as a source for three poems in Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 5100-5104, p. 53, in which Suibne is said to have composed the verse: Tuiccther asin rand sin ⁊ as an dá dhán gurab é Suibhne dorinne iad gé gurab ar Moling chuires as sein-leabhar iad .i. leabhur Murchaid meic Briain, “It is understood from this poem (rann) and from the two poems (dán) that Suibne composed them, although the old book, i.e. the book of Murchad mac Briain, attributes them to Moling”). The manuscript is apparently named for Murchad mac Bríain, i.e. son of Brían Bóruma.

Irish and Latin variants of the title ‘the Book of Sligo’ are attested in a number of sources from the 15th and 17th centuries. Its identity cannot be established beyond doubt nor is it necessarily true that the references are all to the same manuscript. Pádraig Ó Riain (CGSH, p. lii) has shown that those at least that can be dated to the 17th century refer to the Book of Lecan (Co. Sligo): these are James Ussher’s quotation of a triad about ‘St Patrick’s three Wednesdays’ and a Latin note added (by Ussher?) to a copy of the Vita sancti Declani which credits the Liber Sligunt as the source for a copy of the genealogies of Irish saints. There are two 15th-century mentions by the Irish title Leabhar Sligigh: one by the scribe of Aided Díarmata meic Cerbaill (first recension) in Egerton 1782, who acknowledges the Leabhar Sligig as having been the exemplar of his text; and an honourable co-mention, with Saltair Caisil, in a poem on the king of Tír Conaill, beg. Dimghach do Chonall Clann Dálaigh. Aided Díarmata is not found in the Book of Lecan, at least in the form in which it survives today. Ó Riain allows for the possibility that ‘the Book of Sligo’ “is indeed a lost codex whose name was mistakenly applied in the seventeenth century, perhaps by Ussher, to the well-known Book of Lecan”.

Not yet published.

A manuscript now lost but used by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh as an exemplar for the Life of Mo Ling in Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 4190-4200, f. 53v: I nAthcliath do scriobad as Leabhur Tighe Molling. Ocus léiccim Moling atá il-Laidin i muinigin na mbrathar Ccléirigh cidh im Cléirich-sa féin .15. juil. 1628 (‘In Dublin (this) has been copied out of the Book of Timulling. And I leave Moling's miracles, which are in Latin, in trust of the friars Clery, though I myself am a Clery, 15 July, 1628’ - ed. and tr. by Stokes).

Lost Irish manuscript whose prior existence is known from a reference in the Lebor na hUidre (RIA MS 23 E 25).

A lost Irish manuscript, which is mentioned In the colophon to Aided Nath Í ocus a adnacol in the Lebor na hUidre (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 E 25).

Leiden, University Library, MS BPL 88
Not yet published.

Quires 22 (ff. 168-175) and 23 (ff. 176-181) representing an originally separate manuscript and containing Book IX of Martianus Capella's De nuptiis with glosses from the Eriugenian tradition.

  • s. ix?
  • Anonymous [i²]
Not yet published.

A purely hypothetical ‘very ancient book in the British language’ (quendam Brittanici sermonis librum uetustissimum) containing a history of the deeds of the kings of Britain, from Brutus to Cadwalladr, which Geoffrey of Monmouth alleges to have rendered into Latin when writing his Historia regum Britanniae, a work known for its audacious originality. Geoffrey mentions it in the preface to this work, where he claims to have received the book from Walter, archdeacon of Oxford. Whatever his source material may have been, or Walter’s role in supplying it, the claim that so much of this was written in the vernacular and contained in a single volume (implicitly, to which few would have access) is commonly regarded as a spurious appeal to authority.

Latin text of Welsh law, which was known to lawyers active in Gwynedd during the 13th century. This text or a related one may have provided the basis for the Latin text in London, British Library, MS Cotton Vespasian E xi, which refers to matters relating to both Gwynedd and south-west Wales. It has been suggested that the Llyfr y Tŷ Gwyn text became known in Gwynedd through the agency of Cadwgan, bishop of Bangor (1215-1236) and abbot of Whitland before that.

Not yet published.

Hypothetical lost manuscript, perhaps a gospel-book, associated with the Céli Dé monastery of Loch Leven. An old volume of the Scots (veteris voluminis antiquo Scotorum idiomate conscripti) is cited in the St Andrews register as having served as the source for a series of Latin charter records for Loch Leven. The presence of such records added to the margins and available spaces in the Book of Kells and other gospel-books suggests that the Loch Leven manuscript, too, or its source, may have been a gospel-book.

  • s. x-xii (?)
Not yet published.

Transcripts of Welsh poetry and prose from the Book of Aneirin, the (lost) White Book of Hergest and other sources.

  • s. xviex–xviiin
  • Thomas Wiliems
London, British Library, MS Cotton Nero A ii
Not yet published.

Fragment of an early English prayer-book, with calendrical and computistical material. It is thought to have belonged originally with Cotton Galba A xiv.

  • s. xiin

A slim, composite Irish manuscript. It includes the deed of a dispute over land (section 2), two legal fragments (section 3) and four leaves which have been identified as belonging originally to RIA MS D ii 1 alias the Book of Uí Maine (section 4).

  • s. xiv-xvi

Four leaves of material relating to early Irish law, notably extracts from the so-called E-version of Bretha éitgid. The leaves were taken from a manuscript, described by William O'Sullivan as ‘The book of Cairbre mac Domhnaill Uí Dheoradháin’, fragments of which survive elsewhere (RIA 23 Q 6).

  • s. xv/xvi

Four leaves of material relating to early Irish law, notably extracts from the so-called A-version of Bretha éitgid. The leaves were taken from a manuscript, described by William O’Sullivan as ‘The book of Dáibhídh Ó Súilleabháin Bán’, fragments of which survive elsewhere (RIA D v 2).

  • s. xv/xvi

Four vellum leaves which originally formed part of the Book of Uí Maine (RIA D ii 1).

  • s. xiv
  • Seaán Mór Ó Dubhagáin

Vellum manuscript, originally part of the Book of Fermoy.

  • s. xv
Not yet published.

Early 19th-century Irish manuscript containing (a) a portion of James Scurry's unpublished edition of the Annals of Tigernach, written in his hand, and (2) in another hand, the life of St Cailín and some verse, which are parallelled in the Book of Fenagh (RIA MS 23 P 26).

  • 1824
  • James Scurry
Not yet published.

Anglo-Saxon, probably Mercian prayer-book

  • s. viiiex/x1/4
Not yet published.

Contemporary copy of the Book of Howth (Lambeth Palace, MS 623) compiled by Christopher St Lawrence, seventh baron Howth (d. 1589).

  • s. xvi2