Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363 (H 4. 22)
  • various
Jaski, Bart, “Reconstructing Cáin Fhuithirbe”, Utrecht University website, Online: Utrecht University, 2005–.  
The early Irish law tract Cáin Fhuithirbe (ca. 680) is preserved in five fragments which contain glossed excerpts of the original text. This article is a preliminary attempt to reconstruct, as far as possible, the sequence of the original text by comparing the five extant fragments. The reconstructed text is given without glosses, translation or analysis. In one manuscript version of the tract, TCD 1363 (olim H. 4. 22), a page is missing which has not been noted previously. – 2017 version, with minor revisions: <link>
Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 5, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
Volume 5 of the Corpus iuris Hibernici, which is numbered pp. 1532–1925, contains diplomatic editions of legal material from TCD 1363 (H 4. 22), the Book of Ballymote (RIA 23 P 12), BL Egerton 90 and TCD 1336 (H 3. 17).
1532–   “H 4. 22”
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363, pp. 3-36b
1553–   “H 4. 22”
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363, pp. 50-88
1589   “H 4. 22”
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363, p. 211a-211b
OʼSullivan, Anne, and William OʼSullivan, “A legal fragment”, Celtica 8 (1968): 140–143.
Abbott, T. K., and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, 1921.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
158–219   Abbott, T. K., “1338–1365”
MSS 1338 (p. 158); 1339 (pp. 158-161); 1340 (pp. 161-164); 1341 (pp. 164-165); 1342 (p. 165); 1343 (p. 166); 1344 (pp. 166-167); 1345 (ppp. 167-169); 1346 (pp. 170-171); 1347 (p. 172); 1348 (pp. 172-173); 1349 (pp. 173-174); 1350 (p. 174); 1351 (pp. 174-176); 1352; 1353 (p. 176); 1354 (pp. 176-178); 1355 (pp. 178-179); 1356 (pp. 180-184); 1357 (pp. 184-185); 1358 (pp. 185-186); 1359 (p. 187); 1360 (pp. 187-192); 1361 (pp. 192-199); 1362 (p. 199); 1363 (pp. 199-216); 1364 (p. 216); 1365 (pp. 216-219)
Meyer, Kuno [ed. and tr.], “An Crīnōg. Ein altirisches Gedicht an eine Syneisakte”, Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 22 (1918): 362–374.

Results for Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363 (8)

Composite Irish manuscript consisting of 16 different sections of various hands, which have been bound into five volumes.

  • various
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363

Medieval Irish prose tales and legal tracts

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363
  • s. xv
  • Roigne mac Fhingín, Áed Corc
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363
Not yet published.

Fragment which belongs with TCD 1337, pp. 661-668.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363

Irish manuscript fragment (3 folia). Two leaves (pp. 80-81 and pp. 84-85) “are conjugates and appear to have served as part of a cover” (Abbott).

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363

Two folios

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363

Irish leaves, now part of a composite manuscript, including a text of Auraicept na n-éces.

  • s. xv
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1363

Paper MS (32 pp)

  • c. 1700
  • John Beaton [of Kilninian]