
Lhuyd (Edward)

  • d. 1709
  • authors, scholars
  • (agents)
scribes:Beaton (John) ... of Kilninianpatron:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)Parry (David) ... d. 1714
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
scribes:Lhuyd (Edward)
Later, secondary hand:
Lhuyd, Edward, Archæologia Britannica, facsimile ed., Celtic Linguistics (1700-1850), 2.1, London: Routledge, 2000.
Lhuyd, Edward, Archæologia Britannica, facsimile ed., English Linguistics (1500-1800), 136, Menston, Yorkshire: Scolar Press, 1969.
Lhuyd, Edward, and anonymous [ed.], “Letters of Edward Lhwyd [continued]”, Archaeologia Cambrensis (3rd series) 6:23 (July, 1860): 178–184.
Journals.library.wales – Front: <link>
Lhuyd, Edward, and anonymous [ed.], “Letters of Edward Lhwyd”, Archaeologia Cambrensis (3rd series) 6:21 (April, 1860): 12–19.
Journals.library.wales – Front: <link>
Rowlands, Henry, and Edward Lhuyd [reply], “The etymology of several British names”, in: Henry Rowlands, Mona antiqua restaurata: an archæological discourse on the antiquities, natural and historical, of the Isle of Anglesey, the ancient seat of the Druids, ed. Henry Owen, and Lewis Morris, 2nd ed., London, Dublin, 1766. 301–305, 305–307.
Wellcome Collection – PDF: <link> HathiTrust: <link>
Lhuyd, Edward, “Some letters which passed between the author and the late Mr. Edward Lhwyd”, in: Henry Rowlands, Mona antiqua restaurata: an archæological discourse on the antiquities, natural and historical, of the Isle of Anglesey, the ancient seat of the Druids, ed. Henry Owen, and Lewis Morris, 2nd ed., London, Dublin, 1766. 310–318.
Wellcome Collection – PDF: <link> HathiTrust: <link>
Lhuyd, Edward, An Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, wherein they are placed in a clearer light than hitherto: designed as an Introduction to a larger work, especially a Attempt to shew an Affinity betwixt the Languages, &c. of the ancient Britains, and the Americans of the Isthmus of Darien, Edinburgh, 1739.
Lhuyd, Edward, Archæologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish’d, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, Bas-Bretagne, Ireland and Scotland, vol. 1: Glossography, Oxford, 1707.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
Kirk, Robert, and Edward Lhwyd [annotations], “A vocabulary of the Irish dialect, spoken by the Highlanders of Scotland”, in: William Nicolson, The Scottish historical library: containing a short view and character of most of the writers, records, registers, law-books, &c., which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of Scotland, down to the union of the two kingdoms in K. James the VI, London: printed for T. Childe, 1702. 334–346.
Google Books: <link>

See also: Beaton (John) [of Kilninian]
Beaton (John) ... of Kilninian
(fl. second half of the 17th century)
Rev. John Beaton, episcopalian minister of Kilninian, Mull; second son of John Beaton (1594-1657); physician and head of medical family

See more
Brownlow (Arthur)
Brownlow (Arthur)
Anglo-Irish landowner at Lurgan (Co. Armagh) whose collection of Irish manuscripts attracted the attention of Edward Lhuyd in 1699.

See more
Gibson (Edmund)
Gibson (Edmund)
British clergyman and antiquary, who became bishop of Lincoln (in 1716) and London (in 1723). He produced an English translation of William Camden’s Britannia (1695) which included much additional material, with help from other scholars, such as Edward Lhuyd.

See more
Gwavas (William)
Gwavas (William)
British barrister, Cornish-language scholar and collector.

See more
Nicolson (William)
Nicolson (William)
English churchman and antiquary.

See more
Ó Gnímh (Eóin)
Ó Gnímh (Eóin)
(fl. c. 1700)
descendant of a dispossessed family of hereditary poets to the Ó Néill family of Clandeboy. He is primarily known for having sold a number of Irish manuscripts to Edward Lhuyd during the latter's tour through Ireland in 1699/1700.

See more
O'Flaherty (Roderic)
O'Flaherty (Roderic)
Roderic(k) O'Flaherty / Ruaidhrí (Óg) Ó Flaithbheartaigh, Irish nobleman, historian and collector of manuscripts; author of Ogygia seu rerum Hibernicarum chronologia (1685).

See more
Parry (David) [d. 1714]
Parry (David) ... d. 1714
Welsh scholar from Cardigan, who assisted Edward Lhuyd on his travels in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Brittany, and became keeper of the Ashmolean in Oxford.

See more
Williams (Moses)
Williams (Moses)
Welsh scholar, antiquarian and clergyman.

See more


Primary sources

Digital resources and imaging services, Trinity College Library Dublin, Online: Trinity College Dublin, 2009–present. URL: <http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie>.

Secondary sources (select)

Campbell, J. L., “The tour of Edward Lhuyd in Ireland in 1699 and 1700”, Celtica 5 (1960): 218–228.
Evans, Dewi Wyn, and Brynley F. Roberts [eds.], Edward Lhuyd: Archæologia Britannica. Texts and translations, Celtic Studies Publications, 10, Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications, 2007.
Gunther, R. T., The life and letters of Edward Lhuyd: second Keeper of the Musaeum Ashmoleanum, Early Science in Oxford, 14, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1945.
Harrison, Alan, “Who wrote to Edward Lhwyd?”, Celtica 16 (1984): 175–178.
OʼSullivan, Anne, and William OʼSullivan, “Edward Lhuyd’s collection of Irish manuscripts”, Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 1962 (1962): 57–76.
Welsh Journals Online: <link>
Sharpe, Richard, Roderick O’Flaherty’s letters to William Molyneux, Edward Lhwyd and Samuel Molyneux, 1696–1709, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2013.  
An edition, with introduction and notes, of Roderick O’Flaherty’s letters to William Molyneux, Edward Lhwyd and Samuel Molyneux
Roderick O’Flaherty, in Irish, Ruaidhri Ó Flaithbheartaigh (1629–1716/18), was an Irish aristocrat whose father Hugh held the castle and manor of Moycullen, Co. Galway. He was an eminent historian and collector of Irish manuscripts and, as author of Ogygia seu rerum hibernicarum chronologia (London 1685), he enjoyed a high reputation for his learning in the profound antiquities of Ireland. For this reason the great Welsh scholar Edward Lhwyd (1660–1709), when touring Ireland in 1700, visited Ó Flaithbheartaigh at his home in Cois Fhairrge, Co. Galway. From this meeting a correspondence developed, fitful at first but regular from 1704 to 1708. During this period Ó Flaithbheartaigh read and commented on the sheets of Lhwyd’s Irish–English Dictionary, which was published as part of his Archaeologia Britannica (Oxford 1707). A substantial part of those comments still survives, a window on the making of Lhwyd’s book and on the learned Ó Flaithbheartaigh’s command of his native language. The correspondence between the two, almost unknown until now, opens up to us the world of a great Irish scholar in the late-seventeenth and early-eighteenth centuries. In this book, the letters are published and commented upon for the first time by leading medievalist Richard Sharpe FBA, Professor of Diplomatic at Oxford and Fellow of Wadham College. Starting with the 29 letters from Ó Flaithbheartaigh to Lhwyd, Sharpe has framed a unique portrait of a Gaelic lord, Latin author, learned historian, and unique witness to Irish antiquarian learning. Ó Flaithbheartaigh’s Iar Connaught (1684), a lively description of the barony of Moycullen, was written for the philosopher, scientist, member of parliament and political writer, William Molyneux (1656–98), translator of Descartes and founder of the Dublin Philosophical Society. Sharpe also brings together Ó Flaithbheartaigh’s surviving letters to William and the correspondence between Ó Flaithbheartaigh and Molyneux’s son Samuel (1689–1728), who would visit the 80-year-old Ó Flaithbheartaigh in 1709. The letters are edited with rich annotation, and they are preceded by an exceptionally detailed and original biographical study of the life and learning of the author. Ó Flaithbheartaigh lost his estate through the policy of transplantation under Cromwell and made his home at Park between Spiddal and Furbo. During the reign of King James II, he appears to have returned to Moycullen, but he lost almost everything when King William’s government began to assert control over Galway in 1696. The correspondence from late in his life shows Ó Flaithbheartaigh’s continued involvement at a distance with the world of books and learning in Dublin and Oxford and provides a remarkable insight into scholarly engagement and interchange across cultures and countries.
(source: Royal Irish Academy)
Williams, Derek R., Edward Lhuyd, 1660-1709: a Shropshire Welshman, Oswestry: Oswestry Civic Society, 2009. 35 pp.
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