
Mac Bruaideadha family

  • fl. late 16th c./early 17th c.
  • County Clare, Leitir Maoláin
  • (agents)
Irish Gaelic family of historians and poets based in Co. Clare.

See also: County Clare
County Clare/An Clár
No short description available

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Leitir Maoláin
Leitir Maoláin ... Lettermoylan
County Clare

Former townland on the eastern slope of Slieve Callan, which according to Luke McInerney, encompassed “much of modern-day Ballynoe and Glennageer, as well as Knockalassa and Magherabaun” and was settled by the Clann Bhruaideadha.

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Mac Bruaideadha (Maoilín Óg)
Mac Bruaideadha (Maoilín Óg)
(d. 1602)
Irish bardic poet; also the author of a book of annals now lost but used by the Four Masters.

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Mac Bruaidín (Tadhg mac Dáire)
Mac Bruaidín (Tadhg mac Dáire)
(b. c.1570, d. in or after 1625)
Irish poet and genealogist of Co. Clare, ollamh to Donnchadh Ó Briain, 4th earl of Thomond; killed by one of Oliver Cromwell’s soldiers.

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Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–present. URL: <http://www.oxforddnb.com>. 
comments: General editors include Lawrence Goldman, et al.
Simms (Katharine) [id. 73994. ‘Mac Bruaideadha family (per. 1558–1636)’] direct link
McInerney, Luke, “Lettermoylan of Clann Bhruaideadha: a résumé of their landholding, topography & history”, North Munster Antiquarian Journal 52 (2012): 81–113.
McGrath, Cuthbert, “Materials for a history of Clann Bhruaideadha”, Éigse 4:1 (1943-1944, 1945): 48–66.
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May 2017, last updated: May 2022