
Gruffydd (R. Geraint)

  • 1928–2015
  • scholars
  • (agents)
Welsh scholar.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Sir Rees Davies: 1938–2005”, Studia Celtica 40 (2006): 175–178.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “The praise of Tenby: a late-9th-century Welsh court poem”, in: Joseph Falaky Nagy, and Leslie Ellen Jones (eds), Heroic poets and poetic heroes in Celtic tradition: a Festschrift for Patrick K. Ford, 3, 4, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005. 91–102.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr and the partition of Powys”, Studia Celtica 38 (2004): 97–106.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “A reading of Dafydd ap Gwilym (Plenary Lecture)”, in: Geraint Evans, Bernard Martin, and Jonathan M. Wooding (eds), Origins and revivals: proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, 3, Sydney: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, 2000. 485–503.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “A Welsh ‘Dark Age’ court poem”, in: John Carey, John T. Koch, and Pierre-Yves Lambert (eds), Ildánach Ildírech. A festschrift for Proinsias Mac Cana, 4, Andover and Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications, 1999. 39–48.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, and Rhiannon Ifans, Gwaith Einion Offeiriad a Dafydd Ddu o Hiraddug, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 9, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 1997.  

This volume seeks to present the poetic output of two men of letters whose names are connected with the manual known as ‘the bardic grammar’, namely Einion Offeiriad who is chiefly remembered as the author of the first version of the grammar composed c.1320–5, and Dafydd Ddu of Hiraddug who produced an edited version shortly afterwards. Only one poem is certainly attributed to Einion, a long and intricate awdl in praise of Sir Rhys ap Gruffudd and probably composed at about the same time as the grammar. It is a remarkable poem, which includes all twelve of the awdl metres described by Einion in his grammar, as well as three englynion unodl union.

Four poems attributed to Dafydd Ddu of Hiraddug have been preserved, including two religious and didactic cywyddau, the one outlining the History of Salvation, the other setting out the Ten Commandments. Dafydd Ddu may have been Chancellor of St Asaph’s Cathedral, and therefore responsible for the cathedral school: these two poems would fit in well with such a function. The third poem, an awdl, is an extended meditation on the transitoriness of human glory, the pitiable condition of the body in the grave, and the threat of a yet more severe judgement to come – themes which reappear in the fifteenth century particularly in the work of Siôn Cent. The fourth poem is a love englyn of very different thrust in praise of a well-born, but unnamed, girl.

The volume also includes all the verses quoted as metrical examples in the various versions of the grammar, most of which are anonymous, but some of which were almost certainly composed by either Einion Offeiriad or Dafydd Ddu.

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Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Englynion to a mill attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49–50 (1997): 273–281.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “The englynion in Llyfr Aneirin (Canu Aneirin, lines 535-37, 1209-11)”, in: Kathryn A. Klar, Eve E. Sweetser, and Claire Thomas (eds), A Celtic florilegium: studies in memory of Brendan O Hehir, 2, Lawrence, Massachusetts: Celtic Studies Publications, 1996. 32–39.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Wales’s second grammarian: Dafydd Ddu of Hiraddug [Sir John Rhŷs Memorial Lecture]”, Proceedings of the British Academy 90 (1995): 1–28.
British Academy: <link>
Eska, Joseph F., R. Geraint Gruffydd, and Nicolas Jacobs (eds), Hispano-Gallo-Brittonica: essays in honour of professor D. Ellis Evans on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “In search of Elmet”, Studia Celtica 28 (1994): 63–80.
Williams, J. E. Caerwyn, Peredur I. Lynch, and R. Geraint Gruffydd, Gwaith Meilyr Brydydd a’i ddisgynyddion, Cyfres beirdd y tywysogion, 1, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1994.  
Poems 1–2: anonymous; 3–5: Meilyr Brydydd; 6–14: Gwalchmai ap Meilyr; 15–24: Elidir Sais; 25–29: Einion ap Gwalchmai (ap Meilyr); 30–33: Meilyr ap Gwalchmai.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Edward Turberville: bardd Catholig”, in: Tegwyn Jones, and E. B. Fryde (eds), Ysgrifau a cherddi cyflwynedig i Daniel Huws: Essays and poems presented to Daniel Huws, Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales, 1994. 103–122.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Englynion y cusan by Dafydd ap Gwilym”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (Summer, 1992): 1–6.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Thomas Salisbury o Lundain a Chlocaenog: ysgolhaig-argraffydd y Dadeni Cymreig”, National Library of Wales Journal 27:1 (Summer 1991, 1991–1992): 1–20.
Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales: View in Mirador
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Where was ‘Rhaeadr Derwennydd’ (Canu Aneirin, line 1114)?”, in: Ann T. E. Matonis, and Daniel F. Melia (eds), Celtic language, Celtic culture: a festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, Van Nuys, California: Ford & Bailie, 1990. 261–266.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “The Renaissance and Welsh literature”, in: Glanmor Williams, and Robert Owen Jones (eds), The Celts and the Renaissance: tradition and innovation. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Celtic Studies 1987, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1990. 17–39.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, and Brynley F. Roberts (eds), National Library of Wales Journal 24:1–4 (1985–1986), National Library of Wales.
Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales: View in Mirador
Gruffydd, R. Geraint (ed.), National Library of Wales Journal 22:1–4 (1981–1982), National Library of Wales.
Journals.library.wales: <link>
Gruffydd, R. Geraint (ed.), Bardos: penodau ar y traddodiad barddol Cymreig a Cheltaidd, cyflwynedig i J. E. Caerwyn Williams, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1982.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Marwnad Cynddylan”, in: R. Geraint Gruffydd (ed.), Bardos: penodau ar y traddodiad barddol Cymreig a Cheltaidd, cyflwynedig i J. E. Caerwyn Williams, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1982. 10–28.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Canu Cadwallon ap Cadfan”, in: Rachel Bromwich, and R. Brinley Jones (eds), Astudiaethau ar yr hengerdd / Studies in old Welsh poetry: cyflwynedig i Syr Idris Foster, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1978. 25–43.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “A poem in praise of Cuhelyn Fardd from the Black Book of Carmarthen”, Studia Celtica 10–11 (1975–1976): 198–209.
Gruffydd, R. Geraint, “Yny lhyvyr hwnn (1546): the earliest Welsh printed book”, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 23:2 (May 1969, 1968–1970): 105–116.
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As honouree

Owen, Morfydd E., and Brynley F. Roberts (eds), Beirdd a thywysogion: barddoniaeth llys yng Nghymru, Iwerddon a’r Alban: cyflwynedig i R. Geraint Gruffydd, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1996.


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Welsh biography online, Online: National Library of Wales, 2009–present. URL: <https://biography.wales>.
Roberts (Brynley F.) [id. s11-GRUF-GER-1928. ‘GRUFFYDD, ROBERT GERAINT (1928-2015), Welsh scholar’] direct link
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Dennis Groenewegen
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March 2018, last updated: June 2022