
Erhard of Regensburg

  • fl. 7th/?8th century
  • Feast-day: 8 January
  • Regensburg, Niedermünster
  • bishops, saints of Ireland
  • (agents)
Bishop of Regensburg, of whom little is known historically. His relics were translated in 1052 and a life was written for him not long thereafter which claimed that he was a missionary from Ireland.

See also: Albert of Cashel
Albert of Cashel
(supp. fl. 8th century)
Albart or Albert, a patron of Cashel of dubious historicity. A 12th-century life was written for him at St James, Regensburg (Vita S. Alberti archiepiscopi Casellensis) which identifies him as an Anglo-Saxon missionary who was active in both Ireland and Bavaria, undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and died in Regensburg.

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Ratisbon ... Regensburg
Bavarian city.

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Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–present. URL: <http://www.oxforddnb.com>. 
comments: General editors include Lawrence Goldman, et al.
Costambeys (Marios) [id. 8831. ‘Erhard [St Erhard, Erard] (d. before 784), bishop of Regensburg’] direct link
Ó Riain-Raedel, Dagmar, “The travels of Irish manuscripts: from the Continent to Ireland”, in: Toby Barnard, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, and Katharine Simms (eds), ‘A miracle of learning’: studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O’Sullivan, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998. 52–67.
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2023