f. 26
[Réidig dam, a Dé, do nim (Dublittir Úa hUathgaile)] Incipit: Reidich dam a De do nimAscribed to: Donncuachbaid Ó Fuathgaili
Poem (97 qq)
f. 30v
Poem (103 qq). Cf. RIA MS 23 G 5, p. 1, and Keating, Foras feasa, I.
f. 31v
[A éigsi Banba na mbend] Ascribed to: Giolla Ísa Mac Fir Bisich
Poem by Giolla Íosa Mac Fir Bhisigh. See Gisbert Hemprich, ‘Das Gedicht A éigsi Banba na mbend von Giolla Íosa Mac Firbhisigh (gest. 1301) und die irische Réim ríoghraidhe-Tradition’ in Kelten-Einfälle an der Donau. Akten des Vierten Symposiums deutschsprachiger Keltologinnen und Keltologen ... Linz/Donau, 17.-21. Juli 2005... (2007).
f. 32r
Scribal colophon.
f. 32v
[Cuibdeas comanmann na ríg] Heading/rubric: Comhanmanna righa ErendIncipit: Cuibdeas comanmann na rigAscribed to: Gilla Modubda, i.e. Gilla Mo Dutu (Úa Caiside)
f. 33r–f. 33v
[Éreamon is Éber ard] Incipit: Hereamon is Hebear ard
83 qq, on kings from Éremón to Eochaid Feidlech

On the saints of Ireland

Senchas Naomh Érend (in later hand)
f. 34ra–f. 35ra
[Do mháithribh na náomh] Incipit: Ondbahum no Gondbaum do Bretnaib mathair Padraic
Catalogue of the mothers of Irish saints.
f. 35ra
No text identified. It may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Genealogies of biblical characters: Mary, Joseph, three men called Britus, and others.