The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Medieval Irish poem which survives as an acephalous copy of 34 qq in the Book of Uí Mhaine (RIA MS D ii 1). The extant part deals with the exploits of Nath Í (Dathí) mac Fíachrach and the final quatrain contains an attribution to Mac Coisi.

Manuscript witnesses

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS D ii 1 
incipit: A uadh Fhíacrach dar dhiall goil   
f. 118(176)ra
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS D ii 1 

Ends As me Mac Coisi go ceill.

f. 118(176)ra  


Secondary sources (select)

OʼLeary, Aideen M., “The identities of the poet(s) Mac Coisi: a reinvestigation”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 38 (Winter, 1999): 53–72.
Ó Lochlainn, Colm [ed.], “Poets on the battle of Clontarf [part 2]”, Éigse 4:1 (1945): 33–47.