
Sìleas na Ceapaich

  • c.1660–c.1729
  • poets
  • (agents)
Scottish Gaelic poet, commonly known as Sìleas na Ceapaich (of Keppoch). She came from a noble family, and was the daughter if Gilleasbuig (Archibald), chief of the Macdonalds.


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–present. URL: <http://www.oxforddnb.com>. 
comments: General editors include Lawrence Goldman, et al.
Ó Baoill (Colm) [id. 68271. ‘NicDhòmhnaill [MacDonald], Sìleas [Sìleas nighean Mhic Raghnaill]’] direct link
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