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Brathir Fursu cóir a rad
5 st.
beg. Brathir Fursu, cóir a rad
Brief Irish poem (5 qq) on Fursa and other saints supposed to have been the offspring of Brónach daughter of Miliuc.
Comainmnigud nóem nÉrenn

Early Irish tract containing lists of Irish saints of the same name. Most copies of the text are followed by a similar tract focusing on female Irish ‘holy virgins’ (Comanmand nóebúag hÉrenn).

Comanmand nóebúag hÉrenn
Early Irish tract containing lists of female Irish saints (nóebúag ‘holy virgins’) of the same name. In the manuscripts, the text immediately follows that of a similar tract known as Comainmnigud nóem nÉrenn.
Félire Óengusso
Óengus of Tallaght
Óengus (mac Óengobann) of Tallaght
(fl. early part of the 9th century)
author of Félire Óengusso

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Félire Uí Gormáin (Martyrology of Gorman)
Úa Gormáin (Máel Muire)Úa Gormáin (Máel Muire)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Irish metrical calendar of saints compiled by Máel Muire Ua Gormáin in the 12th century.
List of Irish saints and places
A catalogue of Irish saints and the places associated with them. It is attested on page 353 of the Book of Leinster and includes a poem (6 qq) beg. Nonbur Síl Chonaire.
Litany of Irish saints II-a
Óengus of Tallaght
Óengus (mac Óengobann) of Tallaght
(fl. early part of the 9th century)
author of Félire Óengusso

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Litany of Irish saints II-b

Early Irish litany of saints whose invocations are usually grouped into sevens, e.g. ‘the seven holy bishops of Druim Urchailli (Dunmurraghill)’. In the manuscripts, it is always preceded by a litany of pilgrim saints, which appears to have been a separate text originally.

Martyrology of Tallaght

Martyrology, probably first created at Tallaght (Co. South Dublin) in the late eighth or early ninth century and receiving additions until the tenth. It consists of an abridged version of the Hieronymian martyrology whose Latin entries for Christian martyrs and saints were then supplemented with the names of Irish saints commemmorated on the same day.

Nomina diaconorum Hibernensium
List of Irish saints classified as deacons (diacones). It is closely associated in the manuscripts with two similar lists of saints who have been bishops or priests.
Nomina episcoporum Hibernensium
List of 292 Irish saints classified as bishops. It is associated in the manuscripts with two similar lists of saints who have been priests or deacons.
Nomina sacerdotum Hibernensium
List of 277 Irish saints classified as priests (sacerdotes). It is closely associated in the manuscripts with two similar lists of saints who have been bishops or deacons.