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Arbor eterna
beg. Arbor eterna diua summa apostolovum
Welsh Latin poem, more precisely a ‘sequence’, addressed to the Virgin Mary. It is found in the Cambridge Juvencus manuscript.
Catalogus brevior librorum suorum (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Short inventory by Gerald of Wales in which he lists most of the works he has written.
De excidio Britanniae
(fl. 5th–6th century)
Author of De excidio et conquestu Britanniae

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A long Latin sermon by the British cleric Gildas (fl. first half of the 6th century) concerning the state of Britain.

De iure et statu Menevensis ecclesiae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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De principis instructione (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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De raris fabulis
form undefined
Latin colloquy text
Descriptio Cambriae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Epistola ad Capitulum Herefordense de libris a se scriptis (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
No short description available

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Epistolae deperditae fragmenta (Gildas)
(fl. 5th–6th century)
Author of De excidio et conquestu Britanniae

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Fragments from letters attributed to Gildas, including one identified as being a response to Finniau concerning monastic matters. These fragments have been preserved as a florilegium (7 fragments) and as quotations attested throughout the Collectio canonum Hibernensis and elsewhere.
Excerpta quaedam de libro Davidis
Saint David
Saint David
(fl. 6th century)

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British Latin text attributed to St David of Wales (referred to as David of Menevia) and perhaps datable to the 6th century. It deals with matters of sin and penance.
Expugnatio Hibernica
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Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Historia Brittonum
Nennius ... al. Ninnius
(fl. 9th century)
Welsh monk and student of Elvodugus (Elfoddw); best known from the prologue added to the Historia Brittonum, in which he is credited as the author of that work.

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Historia Brittonum
Historia Brittonum (Gildasian recension)
(fl. 5th–6th century)
Author of De excidio et conquestu Britanniae

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An abridged recension of the Historia Brittonum, commonly termed ‘Gildasian’ or ‘pseudo-Gildas’ because of its erroneous attribution to Gildas. It is close to the Harleian recension of the text and was in wide circulation during the later middle ages, from the 12th century onwards, so much so that David Dumville has called it the ‘vulgate’ recension.

Historia regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of Monmouth)
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Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geoffrey of Monmouth
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Geoffrey of Monmouth's pseudohistorical narrative of the kings of Britain, from the foundation of Britain to the Anglo-Saxon conquest.
Itinerarium Cambriae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Paenitentiale Vinniani
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Penitential text written in the 6th century by Finnian, a British cleric in Ireland.
Praefatio Gildae de paenitentia
(fl. 5th–6th century)
Author of De excidio et conquestu Britanniae

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A British Latin text concerning penitential practices for monastic and clerical sins, which is attributed to Gildas and thought to date back to the 6th century.
Retractationes (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Short tract written by Gerald of Wales towards the end of his career, in which he admits to errors in some of his previous writings and also defends himself against polemical criticisms. The title echoes that of Augustine’s work of the same name.
Speculum duorum
form undefined
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Speculum ecclesiae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Synodus Aquilonalis Britanniae
Early Insular ecclesiastical text consisting of 5 canons.
Synodus Luci Victoriae
Insular text, perhaps of the 6th century, consisting of nine canons.
Topographia Hiberniae
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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A work written in Latin by the Norman-Welsh clergyman Gerald of Wales in which he gives an ethnographic account of Ireland and her inhabitants. Gerald wrote the work after two visits to relatives in Ireland in the 1180s and later produced a revised recension.