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Apocalypse of Thomas

Apocryphal Latin text which gives an account of the signs that will supposedly appear in the final week before the Last Judgment. The vision is said to have been revealed by Christ to a certain Thomas, presumably the doubting apostle of that name. Different versions of the text have been transmitted, but a broad distinction is commonly made between (1) a short recension, which is possibly closest to the original, (2) an interpolated one, which contains a preface, and (3) various abbreviated texts.

De plasmatione Adam

An early medieval Latin apocryphon about the creation of Adam.

Epistola Christi ad Abgarum
Jesus ChristJesus Christ
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A Latin version of the apocryphal letter of Christ to Abgar (V), king of Edessa.
Harrowing of Hell (Book of Cerne)

Fragment of an apocryphal version of the Harrowing of Hell preserved in the Book of Cerne. Possibly the earliest extant piece of Christian drama in Britain, It consists of what look like stage directions by a narrator and prayers by the righteous souls in hell and by Adam and Eve. The text breaks off in the middle of Eve’s speech.

Latin apocalypse (Avranches MS 108)
Fragment of a Latin apocalyptic text in which Christ is made to prophesy the end of the world as well as the coming of the Antichrist. It is found as a later, 10th-century marginal addition (partly erased) to a 9th-century manuscript, possibly from Mont St-Michel (Avranches, BM, MS 108). This text, in particular its description of the physical appearance of the Antichrist, has been cited for its close parallels to a number of Irish versions of the Antichrist legend.
Octo pondera unde factus est Adam

Short early medieval Latin treatise about the creation of Adam, the nature of the eight (or seven) cosmic components of which his body was made, and the four letters of his name. It has often been suggested that it ultimately derives from a Greek text of 2 Enoch 30: 8-9, although a Greek dialogue text of the Ioca monachorum kind has also been suggested as a possible source.

Reference bible
An extensive Latin compendium of exegetical commentary on every book of the Bible. It has been dated to the eighth century and is commonly thought to be Irish in origin or Irish-influenced at the least.
Reichenau Seven Heavens homily
A Latin version of the Seven Heavens apocryphon.
Vita Adae et Evae
Latin version of a Jewish apocryphal life of Adam and Eve, often thought to be a translation of a Greek original. It proved to be a popular work in medieval Europe, as it is attested in over a hundred manuscripts and inspired a number of vernacular versions.