Descriptio Cambriae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Expugnatio Hibernica
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Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Itinerarium Cambriae (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Speculum duorum
form undefined
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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Topographia Hiberniae
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
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A work written in Latin by the Norman-Welsh clergyman Gerald of Wales in which he gives an ethnographic account of Ireland and her inhabitants. Gerald wrote the work after two visits to relatives in Ireland in the 1180s and later produced a revised recension.

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