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Misc. religious literature visions and eschatology
Apocalypse of Thomas

Apocryphal Latin text which gives an account of the signs that will supposedly appear in the final week before the Last Judgment. The vision is said to have been revealed by Christ to a certain Thomas, presumably the doubting apostle of that name. Different versions of the text have been transmitted, but a broad distinction is commonly made between (1) a short recension, which is possibly closest to the original, (2) an interpolated one, which contains a preface, and (3) various abbreviated texts.

De die iudicii (Pseudo-Augustine, Sermo App. 251)
Latin Doomsday sermon attributed to Augustine. Charles D. Wright has shown that early manuscript witnesses are frequently found together with the Three utterances of the soul sermon, suggesting that “it was a popular item in Insular circles”.
Latin apocalypse (Avranches MS 108)
Fragment of a Latin apocalyptic text in which Christ is made to prophesy the end of the world as well as the coming of the Antichrist. It is found as a later, 10th-century marginal addition (partly erased) to a 9th-century manuscript, possibly from Mont St-Michel (Avranches, BM, MS 108). This text, in particular its description of the physical appearance of the Antichrist, has been cited for its close parallels to a number of Irish versions of the Antichrist legend.
Liber revelationum (Peter of Cornwall)
form undefined
Peter of CornwallPeter of Cornwall
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A collection of stories about visions of the afterlife and supernatural events, many them culled from a variety of sources
Three utterances of the soul
Latin eschatological sermon attributed to Augustine.
Tractatus de Purgatorio sancti Patricii
H. of SaltryH. of Saltry
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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On the Purgatorium sancti Patricii and the vision of a knight called Owein
Visio Pauli (Redaction IV)

A redaction of the long Latin version of the Visio Pauli, known for having English or Insular connections. Irish connections or even origins have also been suggested on the basis of some Hibernicisms and affinities with Hiberno-Latin texts.

Visio Pauli (Redaction VI)

A redaction of the Long Latin version of the Visio Pauli, known for having Irish connections.

Visio Pauli (Redaction XI)
A Latin text of Insular, possibly Irish origin, which consists of extracts from a version of the Visio Pauli (Long Latin 1 redaction) and additional material.
Memoriale super visitatione Laurencii Ratholdi factum de Purgatorio sancti Patricii (James Yonge)
Yonge (James)
Yonge (James)
(d. c.1425)
Anglo-Irish notary, writer and translator active in Dublin. His writings include an English adaptation of the Secreta secretorum, which was commissioned by the earl of Ormond, and an account of the pilgrimage of a Hungarian nobleman, Laurence Rathold, to St Patrick’s Purgatory.

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Latin account of a Hungarian nobleman, Laurence Rathold of Pásztó, and the pilgrimage he undertook in 1411 to the island of St Patrick’s Purgatory.

Visiones Georgii

Latin account of the pilgrimage of a Hungarian knight, Georgius Grissaphan/Crissaphan, to St Patrick’s Purgatory and the visions he experienced.

Visiones sanctae Aldegundis (Subnius)
Subnius [abbot of Nivelles]
Subnius ... abbot of Nivelles
(s. vii)
Abbot of Nivelles, who is said to have recorded the visions of Aldegund of Maubeuge and whose account of them was used by the author of her Vita; possibly an Irishman whose name in Irish was Suibne.

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An account of the visions and revelations of St Aldegund, which is purported to have been written by Subnius or Subinus, abbot of Nivelles, and which is now lost if it existed at all. The anonymous author of the Vita prima of the saint claimed to have used it: Supradicta famula Dei Aldgunda de visionibus atque revelationibus spiritalibus, quas Christus ei sponsus eius revelavit, cuidam viro religioso Subnio abbati de Nivialensi monasterio narravit ordinanter et scribendo tradidit.

Vita sancti Fursei
form undefined
Life of the Irish missionary St Fursa (d. c. 649). BHL 3209.