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Ystorya Bown o Hamtwn

Welsh adaptation of the Anglo-Norman text Geste de Boeve de Haumtone.

Ystorya Dared
Medieval Welsh adaptation of the Historia Daretis Phrygii de excidio Troiae, a Latin account of the destruction of Troy ascribed to Dares Phrygius.
Ystorya de Carolo Magno

Medieval Welsh compilation of texts about Charlemagne and his reign, based on the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle and three Old French texts. The Welsh texts based on the Old French texts, a version of the Chanson Roland, the Pèlerinage de Charlemagne and Otinel, are known separately as Cân Rolant, Pererindod Siarlymaen and Rhamant Otfel.

Ystorya Titus Aspassianus

Medieval Welsh version of the Vindicta Salvatoris, a Latin apocryphal text on the Crucifixion in which Titus, then a local ruler, avenges Christ by destroying Jerusalem.

Ystoryaeu Seint Greal

Medieval Welsh adaptation of two Old French romances, Le queste del Saint Graal and Perlesvaus.

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