Currently selected criteria
Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
4 st.
beg. Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
Mugrón [unidentified]
Mugrón (one or multiple unidentified authors)
The name Mugrón occurs in a number of textual attributions where the identity of the intended author cannot be ascertained. The references may be to Mugrón, abbot of Iona, to Mugrón of Tuam, or someone else entirely.

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Middle Irish poem (4qq) attributed to Mugrón, which offers a verse rendering or verse summary of the preface to De duodecim abusivis saeculi.

Páis Cristoforus
Medieval Irish passion of Saint Christopher, dog-headed saint, evangelist and martyr.
Robo maith Aichil mac Pel
14 st.
beg. Robo maith Aichil mac Péil
Irish poem on the deeds of Achilles (Aichill) in his younger years