De mirabilibus Hibernie (Patricius)
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Latin poem on the wonders of Ireland, attributed to a certain Patricius, who has been identified with Patrick (Gilla Pátraic), bishop of Dublin.

Historia ecclesiastica Eusebii (Rufinus)
Rufinus of Aquileia
Rufinus of Aquileia
(d. 411)
Tyrannius Rufinus of Aquileia was a monk, theologian and historian. He is known for having translated Greek works by Origen, Eusebius and others in Latin.

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Latin rendering and continuation of Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical history. The work was undertaken at the beginning of the 5th century by Rufinus at the request of bishop Chromatius of Aquileia. Although Jerome had created a translation prior to Rufinus, it was mainly through Rufinus’ translation that Eusebius’ history became known to the early medieval West.

Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum (Abessalon pater pacis)
A glossary of Hebrew proper names, which ultimately derives from Jerome‘s work on that subject and may possibly be associated with Bede. An Insular origin has been suggested for the transmission of this material.
Octo pondera unde factus est Adam

Short early medieval Latin treatise about the creation of Adam, the nature of the eight (or seven) cosmic components of which his body was made, and the four letters of his name. It has often been suggested that it ultimately derives from a Greek text of 2 Enoch 30: 8-9, although a Greek dialogue text of the Ioca monachorum kind has also been suggested as a possible source.

Sermunculus de vita sancti Winwaloei

Short, homiletic redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, in 17 lectiones. BHL 8962.

Translatio Isagoges Porphyrii (Boethius)
(d. 524)
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, a Roman senator, statesman, philosopher and historian. His best known work may be De consolatione philosophiae, which he wrote in prison after running into conflict at the Ostrogothic court. Others include De topicis differentiis, De institutione arithmetica, De institutione musica and five theological treatises known collectively as the Opuscula sacra.

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Boethius’ translation of Porphyry’s Isagoge.

Vita abbreviata sancti Winwaloei

An abbreviated version of Wrdisten’s Life of St Winwaloe, in 21 lectiones, produced perhaps in northern France. BHL 8961.

Vita compendiosa sancti Winwaloei
Bernard (Jacques) [d. 1652]
Bernard (Jacques) ... d. 1652
Jesuit hagiographer.

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A short redaction of Wrdisten’s vita of St Winwaloe from Quimper MS 16, created by the Jesuit Jacques Bernard (d. 1652) for inclusion in the Acta sanctorum (Martius I). BHL 8964.

Vita interpolata sancti Winwaloei

A short redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, based on an abridged, homiletic redaction (BHL 8962, called Sermunculus de vita s. Winwaloei by J.-C. Poulin). BHL 8953. A distinct feature of the present version is that it also borrows an episode relating to St Ethbin from the Vita brevior, with a unique conclusion in which both saints travel to Ireland.

Vita sancti Fechini ex MSS Hibernicis (Colgan)
Colgan (John)
Colgan (John)
(d. 1658)
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.

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The second vita of St Féchín printed by John Colgan in his Acta sanctorum Hiberniae. Colgan made use of three Irish sources, which he conflated and translated into Latin to produce a composite text. The first life he found in a manuscript associated with Féchín's monastery in the island of Omey (vnam fusam ex Codice Immaciensi in Connacia, quam eius compilator aliàs recentior ... indicat ... desumptam esse ex alia latina); the second life is described as aliam habemus stylo plane uetusto et magnae fidei, sed principio et fine carentem. Plummer suggests that these lives must have corresponded to the vernacular life and homily found in NLI MS G 5. The third source is a metrical version now lost (tertiam uero uetusto et eleganti metro lxxiv distichis constante).

Vita sancti Winwaloei (BHL 8964b)

A redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe of Landévennec, which is attested in two medieval manuscripts of English provenance. BHL 8964b.