Collectanea (Tírechán)
(c. 690)
Irish bishop and author of the Collectanea about St Patrick

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A collection of hagiographical anecdotes written by Tírechán concerning St Patrick’s travels through the midlands and the northern half of Ireland as well as a southern leg to Cashel.
Visiones sanctae Aldegundis (Subnius)
Subnius [abbot of Nivelles]
Subnius ... abbot of Nivelles
(s. vii)
Abbot of Nivelles, who is said to have recorded the visions of Aldegund of Maubeuge and whose account of them was used by the author of her Vita; possibly an Irishman whose name in Irish was Suibne.

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An account of the visions and revelations of St Aldegund, which is purported to have been written by Subnius or Subinus, abbot of Nivelles, and which is now lost if it existed at all. The anonymous author of the Vita prima of the saint claimed to have used it: Supradicta famula Dei Aldgunda de visionibus atque revelationibus spiritalibus, quas Christus ei sponsus eius revelavit, cuidam viro religioso Subnio abbati de Nivialensi monasterio narravit ordinanter et scribendo tradidit.

Vita Darercae
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Vita Mariani Scotti

A Latin biography of Marianus Scottus, written by an anonymous Irish monk at the Benedictine abbey of St James in Regensburg, about a century after his death. It offfers a glimpse of the history of the Schottenklöster in southern Germany and Austria, particularly those in Regensburg and the daughter houses in Vienna, Würzburg and Eichstätt.

Vita metrica sanctae Brigidae
beg. Christe Dei uirtus, splendor, sapienta Patris
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
No short description available

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A metrical Latin Life of St Brigit thought to have been composed by the Irishman Donatus, bishop of Fiesole between 829–877. BHL 1458-1459.

Vita quarta sanctae Brigitae
Animosus [al. Anmchad]Animosus ... al. Anmchad
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A recension of a Latin life of St Brigit of Kildare which survives only in two Franciscan editions of the 17th century. The editors are John Colgan, who attributed the work to one Animosus (whose name he thought to be a Latin counterpart to the Irish name Anmchad), and Hugh Ward, who attributed it to Ultán of Ardbraccan. Richard Sharpe has argued that it was part of the so-called Dublin collection of Irish saints’ lives. BHL 1460.
Vita sanctae Moninnae
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Vita sancti Columbae (Adomnán)
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(fl. c.628–704)
Adomnán mac Rónáin was abbot of Iona (r. 679–704) and author of the Latin Life of St Columba and an account of the holy places of the Near East (De locis sanctis). He is credited with the proclamation of the Lex innocentium or Cáin Adomnáin at the Synod of Birr.

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Latin Life of St Columba (Ir. Colum Cille), Irish missionary, monk and founder of Iona, written by Adomnán, abbot of Iona, about a century after the saint’s death. The work is organised into three books: one on the saint’s prophetic revelations, another on the miracles performed by him and the final one on angelic apparitions. Despite its hagiographic content, it remains an important source of historical study.