Togail bruidne Da Derga

Early Irish narrative text about Conaire Mór, from his conception and rise to power to the violation of his gessi and death at the siege of the hostel of Da Derga.

Togail Tuir Chonaind (TCD 1316 version)
An independent version of the story of the children of Nemed and the attack on the tower of Conaing.
Tomus tighe mec ind Ócc
3 st.
beg. Tomus tighe mec ind Ócc
Tóruigheacht an Ghiolla Dheacair
Late, burlesque prose tale of the Finn Cycle.
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II, Táin bó Cúailnge III
Túarascbáil delba Con Culaind
Bretha nemed dédenach
Udhacht Athairne
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An anecdote related in Bretha nemed dédenach, in which Athirne prophesies the birth of Christ and gives instructions to his pupils.
Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae
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The three principal collections of Irish saints’ lives written in Latin: (1) the so-called (Codex) Salmanticensis (or Salamanca) collection, (2) the (Codex) Insulensis or Oxford collection, and (3) the (Codex) Kilkenniensis or Dublin collection. Since Plummer published his edition in 1910, the Latin designation Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae is sometimes used to refer to these collectively.