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Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
13 st.
beg. Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
Middle Irish poem (13 st.) in praise of St Patrick.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Port Láirge
beg. Fil sund áige do churp ríg
Dinnshenchas of Port Láirge (Waterford)
Preface to Amra Senáin
A Middle Irish preface and epilogue to the poem Amra Senáin ‘The eulogy of Senán’ mac Geirrcinn, abbot and saint of Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island, Co. Clare), in two parts: (1) a short miracle story which relates how Senán delivered an artisan named Nárach from a monster inhabiting the estuary of the Shannon in which the river island is located, and (2) a short passage, directly before and after the poem (except in NLI MS G 30), attributing the poem to Dallán Forgaill. The first part seemingly derives from a version of the story as it is told in the Commentary to Félire Óengusso (8 March). Both versions take their cue from a reading of two lines in the Félire (Senan Indse Cathaig / crochais écrait n-árach ‘Senán of Inis Cathaig / disabled the enemy with a binding’, for which see Breatnach’s text and translation). The tale of Senán’s encounter is expanded, if without mention of Nárach, in Betha Shenáin.
Prima etas mundi (Irish tract)
An Irish prose tract on the first five ‘ages of the world’ and synchronisms of Irish prehistory with Assyrian, Greek and Roman history.
Prose Banshenchas
Prose version of the Banshenchas
Dinnshenchas Érenn C supplement
Dinnshenchas of Ráith Chrinna
1 st.
beg. Crinna mac Cuinn, crúaidh a gaí
Text on the dinnshenchas of Ráith Chrinna
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Ráith Crúachain
beg. Estid a churu im Chrúachain

Dinnshenchas on Ráith Crúachain

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Ráith Ésa
beg. Sund dessid domunemar
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Mac Nía mac Óengusso
Mac Nía mac Óengusso
No short description available

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Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Ráith Mór Maige Line
3 st.
beg. Ráth Rogein a h-ainm riasin
Dinnshenchas of Ráith Mór in Mag Line (here olim Ráith Mór and Ráith Rogein).
Réidig dam, a Dé, do nim (Flann Mainistrech)
beg. Réidig dam, a Dé, do nim
Flann Mainistrech
Flann Mainistrech
(d. 1056)
Middle Irish poet ass. with Monasterboice (Mainistir Buite)

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Flann Mainistrech
Flann Mainistrech
(d. 1056)
Middle Irish poet ass. with Monasterboice (Mainistir Buite)

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A series of seven poems
Riss in mundtuirc
Middle Irish adaptation of episodes from the Theban Cycle, drawing on Statius and Ovid. It relates a number of unfortunate events which transpired after Vulcan forged a necklace for Harmonia.
Ro loiscit na láma-sa
4 st.
beg. Ro loiscit na láma-sa
Oisín mac Finn
Oisín mac Finn
(time-frame ass. with Finn Cycle, Finn mac Cumaill, Saint Patrick, Cormac mac Airt)
A fían-warrior, son of Finn, in the Finn Cycle of medieval Irish literature

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Four quatrains ascribed to Oisín in his old age.
Rodíchned Find, ba fer tend
1 st.
beg. Rodíchned Find, ba fer tend
A single quatrain alluding to a story about the death of Finn mac Cumaill.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Róiriu in Uí Failge
3 st.
beg. Nímutanic ó thír thend
Finn mac Cumaill
Finn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)
(time-frame ass. with Finn Cycle, Finn mac Cumaill, Cormac mac Airt)
Finn mac Cumaill (earlier mac Umaill?), Find úa Báiscni: central hero in medieval Irish and Scottish literature of the so-called Finn Cycle; warrior-hunter and leader of a fían

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Find [unidentified]Find ... unidentified
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Dinnshenchas of Róiriu in Uí Failge (Róiriu i nUíb Failge).

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Róiriu in Uí Muiredaig
beg. Fail folach ós grían cen gái
Dinnshenchas of Róiriu in in Uí Muiredaig (Róiriu i nUíb Muiredaig)
Romul ocus Remul
Story of the birth of Romulus and Remus.
Sáerchlanna Érenn uile
12 st.
A syllabic poem incorporated in the two Middle Irish recensions of the saga concerning the revolt of the aithech-thúatha, Bruiden Meic Da Réo and Scél ar Chairbre Cinn Cait. It consists of twelve stanzas.
Saltair na Muice
form undefined

Legend of Cáenchomrach, bishop of Clonmacnoise, and his dealings with an underwater monastery located in Lough Ree after two of its monks were expelled in the shape of swine and were (accidentally) killed in a hunting trip by two clerics, Éogan and Écertach.

Sanas Cormaic
Sanas Cormaic/Gaire
form undefined

A brief story about Néde and Caier under the entry for ‘Gaire’ in Sanas Cormaic.

Sanas Cormaic
Sanas Cormaic/Rincne
beg. Rin(g)cne quasi quinque

Entry for ‘rincne’ in Sanas Cormaic, with an anecdote about Ferchess, Mac Con and Finn úa Báiscni.

Scél ar Chairbre Cinn Cait
The second of two Middle Irish recensions, the other being Bruiden Meic Da Réo, which recount how in early Ireland, the vassal peoples (aithech-thúatha) rebelled and decimated the leading noble families. This is Thurneysen's ‘Recension I’, except for the modernised text in the Edinburgh MS, which he describes as ‘Recension III’.
Scél na Fír Flatha, Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tairngiri, ocus Ceart Claidib Cormaic
Scél na Fír Flatha
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