Seachrán na Banimpire

Early Modern Irish adaptation of the Middle English Octavian, which is itself based on the late medieval French chanson de geste Florent et Octavien.

Sgél in Mhínaduir
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Sloiged már rucsat Gréic co Hebríb fechtas n-aile
Short Middle Irish prose text preserved in the Book of Leinster.
Solomon and the power of women
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Early Irish reworking of I Esdras, III ch. 3-4, with Solomon, king of the Greeks, and Nemiasserus replacing Darius and Zorobabel (Zerubbabel).

Stair Fortibrais
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Togail na Tebe
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Middle Irish prose translation of the Thebaid, a Latin poem by Statius about the Seven against Thebes.
Togail Troí
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Middle Irish adaptation of the Historia de excidio Troiae (6th century) ascribed to Dares Phrygius.