Eachtra an Amadáin Mhóir

Irish tale about the adventures of a Perceval-like hero known simply as An Amadán Mór ‘The Great Fool’, a name he earns in the course of the narrative.

Eachtra mhacaoimh an iolair
Ó Corcráin (Brian)Ó Corcráin (Brian)
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Irish Arthurian romance
Laoi an Amadáin Mhóir
beg. Do chualadh sgéal uaimhneach gan bhréig

Poetic composition which relates a version of the Irish comedic tale known in prose as Eachtra an Amadáin Mhóir, or more precisely, an expanded version of the concluding adventures of that tale. Texts of the lay are known in both Irish and Scottish Gaelic, and variants are known from the oral tradition.

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