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Abhac do fuair Fionn feardha
27 st.;26 st.
beg. Abhac do fuair Fionn feardha

Expanded, modernised version of a poem concerning Fionn‘s harper Cnú Dereóil, which is found originally in Acallam na sénorach, where it begins Abhuc do fuair Finn ferdha (Stokes ll. 630–683).

Cenn ard Adaim étrocht rád
3 st.
beg. Cenn ard Adaim, étrocht rád
Airbertach mac Cosse Dobráin
Airbertach mac Cosse Dobráin
(d. 1016)
Irish poet; fer légind of Ros Ailithir (Rosscarbery, Co. Cork)

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Brief Middle Irish poem on the origin and composition of Adam’s head and other body parts (head from ‘the land of Garad’, belly from Laban/Lodain, etc.). The copy in MS Rawlinson B 502 occurs as part of a poem on the Psalter (beg. A Dé dúlig, atat-teoch) and is directly followed by an additional quatrain with an ascription to Airbertach mac Coisse (d. 1016), saying that he translated the poem from Latin into Irish.
Cumtach na nIudaide n-ard
beg. Cumtach na nIudaide n-ard

Short Middle Irish poem (4qq) on the defining characteristics of various peoples (the Jews, the Greeks, the Franks, the Welsh, the Picts, etc), which correspond closely to those listed in the tract De proprietatibus gentium.

Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
4 st.
beg. Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
Mugrón [unidentified]
Mugrón (one or multiple unidentified authors)
The name Mugrón occurs in a number of textual attributions where the identity of the intended author cannot be ascertained. The references may be to Mugrón, abbot of Iona, to Mugrón of Tuam, or someone else entirely.

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Middle Irish poem (4qq) attributed to Mugrón, which offers a verse rendering or verse summary of the preface to De duodecim abusivis saeculi.

Luid Iason ina luing lóir
beg. Luid Iason ina luing lóir
Flann Mainistrech
Flann Mainistrech
(d. 1056)
Middle Irish poet ass. with Monasterboice (Mainistir Buite)

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Medieval Irish poem attributed to Flann Mainistrech on the destruction of Troy. Mac Eoin believed it to have been based on a prose text concerning the Trojan war but not a text of Togail Troí as we know it today.
Robo maith Aichil mac Pel
14 st.
beg. Robo maith Aichil mac Péil
Irish poem on the deeds of Achilles (Aichill) in his younger years