Adham ar n-athair uile
57 st.
beg. Adham ar n-athair uile
Mac a' Gabann na Scél (Fáelán)Mac a' Gabann na Scél (Fáelán)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Early Modern Irish poem (57 qq), consisting chiefly of a catalogue of celebrated women as well as wives of celebrated men.
Caiseal cathair Chlann Mogha
75 st.
beg. Caiseal cathair Chlann Mogha
Ó Dubhagáin (Seaán Mór)
Ó Dubhagáin (Seaán Mór)
(d. 1372)
Irish poet and historian.

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A list of kings of Munster in versified form (75 qq), attributed to Seaán Ó Dubhagáin.

Cathair Chiaráin Cluain meic Nóis
19 st.
beg. Cathair Chiaráin Cluain meic Nóis
Ó Gilláin (Enóg)Ó Gilláin (Enóg)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A medieval Irish poem on the kings interred at Clonmacnoise.