Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Srúb Brain
beg. Matan do Choin na Cerdda
Dinnshenchas of Srúb Brain. The placename is etymologised as ‘Raven’s Bill’ with reference to an account of how Cú Chulainn killed a multitude of giant ravens or black birds and placed the bill of the last bird on the rock (Srúb Brain).
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Ús in Duib Chúalngni for táin
The final episode of the Táin (I, II) and an epilogue to the story of the fight of the two bulls. In the texts, Donn Cúailnge, severely wounded after its triumph over Finnbennach, returns home, scattering body parts of its opponent on the road and giving rise to new placenames. It dies at the end of its journey, either in Druim Tairb (TBC I) or near Taul Tairb (TBC II). Both recensions make use of dinnshenchas in describing the bull’s itinerary, but differ in the placenames they refer to.