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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

A bibliography of the publications of Anders Ahlqvist’ in A companion in linguistics... (2005)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Nótaí ar théarmaí’ in Saltair saíochta, sanasaíochta agus seanchais... (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Medieval Irish law: text and context (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Germano-Celtica: a Festschrift for Brian Taylor (2017)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Fír fesso: a festschrift for Neil McLeod (2018)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Konrad Koerner (ed.) • R. H. Robins (ed.) • Irène Rosier (ed.), Diversions of Galway: papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V, Galway, Ireland, 1-6 September 1990 (1992)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Tom Sjöblom (ed.) • Glyn Welden Banks (ed.) • Harri Nyberg (ed.), Celtica Helsingiensia. Proceedings from a Symposium on Celtic Studies (1996)

Diarmuid Breathnach • Máire Ní Mhurchú, Breathnach, Diarmuid, et al., (2011–present) – online (2011-present)

John Ainsworth, The Inchiquin manuscripts (1961)

Moses o'r Aipht, ‘Proverbs of Brittany’, The Celtic Review 1 (1904–1905)

William M. Aird, ‘Northumbria’ in A companion to the early Middle Ages... (2009)

Stuart Airlie, ‘Narratives of triumph and rituals of submission: Charlemagne’s mastering of Bavaria’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 9 (1999)

Rodney Aist, ‘Adomnán, Arculf and the source material of De locis sanctis’ in Adomnán of Iona... (2010)

Rodney Aist, From topography to text: the image of Jerusalem in the writings of Eucherius, Adomnán and Bede (2019)

Jonathan M. Wooding (ed.) • Thomas Owen Clancy (ed.) • Thomas O'Loughlin (ed.) • Rodney Aist (ed.), Adomnán of Iona: theologian, lawmaker, peacemaker (2010)

Nicholas B. Aitchison, Monuments and the construction of the past in early historic Ireland (1990)

Nicholas B. Aitchison, ‘Votive deposition in Iron Age Ireland: an early medieval account’, Emania: Bulletin of the Navan Research Group 15 (1996)

Nicholas B. Aitchison, ‘Late Bronze Age ritual at Haughey’s Fort: the evidence of the deposited cup-and-ring marked stone’, Emania: Bulletin of the Navan Research Group 17 (1998)

Nicholas B. Aitchison, ‘The Caledonian battle-leader Calgacus’, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 4 (2020)

Nick Aitchison, ‘The Brude list: a panegyric to a Pictish king’, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 3 (2019)

Nick Aitchison, ‘Moni Iudeorum: an enigmatic early place-name for St David’s’, Studia Celtica 53 (2019)

Harold Carter • John W. Aitchison, The Welsh language 1961–1981, an interpretative atlas (1985)

Harold Carter • John W. Aitchison, A geography of the Welsh language 1961-1991 (1994)

Derick S. Thomson (ed.) • Adam J. Aitken (ed.) • M. P. McDiarmid (ed.), Bards and makars. Scottish language and literature: medieval and renaissance (1977)

Kurt Aland (ed.) • Frank Leslie Cross (ed.), Studia patristica, vol. I: papers presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955, Part I (1957)

Manuel Alberro, ‘Celtic heritage in the North-west of the Iberian Peninsula’, Emania: Bulletin of the Navan Research Group 19 (2002)

Manuel Alberro, ‘The celticisation of the Iberian Peninsula, a process that could have had parallels in other European regions’, Études Celtiques 35 (2003)

Manuel Alberro, ‘The Celticity of Galicia and the arrival of the insular Celts’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 24-25 (2009)

J. W. Albers (ed.), Dancwerc: opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. D. Th. Enklaar ter gelegenheid van zijn vijfenzestigste verjaardag (1959)

Leslie Alcock, Economy, society, and warfare among the Britons and Saxons (1987)

Leslie Alcock, ‘The activities of potentates in Celtic Britain, AD 500-800: a positivist approach’ in Power and politics in early medieval Britain and Ireland... (1988)

Olive Alcock • Mary Tunney, ‘Archaeological survey in Sligo’ in A celebration of Sligo... (2002)

Miranda Aldhouse-Green, ‘The magician‘s house: druids, prayers and magic in Roman Gaul’ in Celtic religions in the Roman period... (2017)

Miranda Aldhouse-Green, De Keltische mythen: goden en legenden van het oude Ierland en Wales (2016)

Miranda Aldhouse-Green, ‘Pagan Celtic religion and early Celtic myth: connections or coincidence?’ in Celtic connections... (1999)

Miranda Aldhouse-Green, ‘Pagan Celtic iconography and the concept of sacral kingship’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 52 (2001)

Miranda Aldhouse-Green • Marilynne E. Raybould, ‘Deities with Gallo-British names recorded in inscriptions from Roman Britain’, Studia Celtica 33 (1999)

R. B. Aldridge, ‘The routes described in the story called Táin bó Flidhais [part 1]’, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 91 (1961)

R. B. Aldridge, ‘The routes described in the story called Táin bó Flidhais [part 2]’, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 92 (1962)

Louis-Augustin Alemand, Histoire monastique d’Irlande: où l’on voit toutes les abbayes, prieurés, couvents ... qu’il y a eu dans ce royaume (1690)

Louis-Augustin Alemand • John Stevens, Monasticon Hibernicum: or, The monastical history of Ireland (1722)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander, ‘La résistance à la domination culturelle carolingienne dans l’art breton du IXe siècle: le témoignage des manuscrits enluminés’ in Landévennec et le monachisme breton dans le haut Moyen Âge... (1986)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander, ‘The illumination’ in The Book of Kells... (1990)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander, ‘Description of illuminated pages’ in The Book of Kells... (1990)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander (ed.), A survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles (1975–1996)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander, ‘A note on the Breton Gospel books’ in An early Breton Gospel book... (1977)

Jonathan J. G. Alexander, A survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles: Insular manuscripts, 6th-9th century, vol. 1 (1978)

Patrizia De Bernardo Stempel • Silvia Alfayé Villa • Cruz González Rodriguez, ‘La diosa Du(v)itera en una inscripción de Tejeda de Tiétar (Cáceres)’ in Celtic religions in the Roman period... (2017)

Laurent Alibert, ‘Le sénéchal Queu et l’encantador’, Ollodagos: actes de la Société Belge d'Études Celtiques 25 (2010)

Francesco Benozzo • Mario Alinei, ‘L’area galiziana nella preistoria celtica d’Europa’, Studi Celtici 4 (2006)