Vita sancti Goeznovei ‘The life of Saint Goeznoveus (Goueznou)’
- Latin
- prose
BHL 3608-3609.
- Venerabili domino et patri in Christo Eudoni episcopo, fratribusque cum eo in Christi servicio congerentibus, Guillelmus eorum presbiter in Domino salutem, anno ab Incarnatione Doraini Mo nono decimo, qui est xxiiii[us] episcopatus tui, domine episcope.
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- Latin
- The prologue states that the text was written in 1019, which if true, would make it an early, pre-Galfridian witness to the Breton migration legend involving Conan Meriadoc (as well as to an early source which it calls Ystoria Britannica). However, this date is contested in modern scholarship and a date in the 12th or 13th century now seems preferable.
Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.
Secondary sources (select)
Les rapports entre le chroniqueur Guillaume le Breton (vers 1166-1226) et la littérature hagiographique de son pays natal sont sans doute plus étroits que ne l'ont supposé jusqu'ici les éditeurs et commentateurs de son œuvre. Ainsi a-t-il été non seulement le témoin probable et l'inspirateur possible d'un épisode rapporté par l'hagiographe de saint Hervé - mais peut-être faut-il également reconnaître en lui l'auteur (vers 1198) du texte aujourd'hui connu sous la désignation de Vita Goeznouei et qui constituerait donc l'un de ses premiers essais historiques.
The connections between the chronicler Guillaume le Breton and his country's hagiographic literature are probably more close than his publishers' and annotators' work have supposed until now. Guillaume has been not only the likely witness and the possible person who inspired an episod[e] reported by saint Hervé's biographer; he also may be acknowleged as the author of the Vita Goeznouei which would frame one of his first historic essays.
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