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Trí h-ollamain Chondacht

  • Irish
  • prose
  • Medieval Irish literature about poets
Short Irish prose tale about three poets of Connacht, Mac Liac, Mac Coise and Flann mac Lonáin. The text occurs in the Yellow Book of Lecan by way of a preface to the verse Dinnshenchas of Slíab nEchtga II attr. to Flann and follows another prose introduction about and poem attributed to Flann (Bó bithblicht meic Lonán).
First words (prose)
  • Tri hollamain Chondacht .i. mac Liacc 7 mac Coisi 7 Fland mac Lonain .i. mac De 7 mac duine 7 mac deamain
  • Irish
prose (primary)
Textual relationships
Related: Dinnshenchas of Slíab Echtge IIDinnshenchas of Slíab Echtge II

Dinnshenchas on Slíab Echtge.


Medieval Irish literature about poetsMedieval Irish literature about poets


Mac Líacc [Muirchertach]
Mac Líacc ... Muirchertach
(d.. 1014 / 1016 (AU))
Middle Irish poet, who is described as 'chief poet of Ireland' (ard-ollamh Érenn) in the Annals of Ulster; becomes the subject of a body of later medieval Irish literature.

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Urard mac Coise
Urard mac Coise
(d. 983 x 1023)
Irish poet

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Flann mac Lonáin
Flann mac Lonáin
(d. 891 x 918)
early Irish poet; called ‘the Virgil of the Irish’ (Firgil Gáedel) and ‘King of the Poets of Ireland’ respectively.

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Text Encoding InitiativeTEI Logo.svg
Slíab Echtge II preface Tri hollamain Chondacht .i. mac Liaccmac CoisiFland mac Lonain .i. mac De ⁊ mac duine ⁊ mac deamain. Fland mac Lonain, mac deamain side ara geri ⁊ ara duilgi, uair ni deachaid a tig riam cen easba aire do denum cen esba aíre do dénum and. Mac Liac imorro mac duine ar febas a thigidis ⁊ ara febus arai in duine fen. Mac Cosi imorro mac De ar met a derci ⁊ is bas ailithri ruc. llrechtach imorro ainm timpanaich meic Liac ⁊ timpanach meic Lonain roime he ⁊ dobai ac mac Liac iar n-ec meic Lonain. Dochuaid mac Liac do indsaigid Briain dia acallaim ⁊ Illrechtach mailli fris. IS amlaid notheighed co menic o loch Riach tar Echtgi fodeas co Luimneach ocus da puitric dec lais con a mbiad dingbala leo. Uair is da radarc dec atat a n-Echtgi ⁊ puitric noibead in cach radarc dibsin. Feacht and tra dochuadar fodeas ⁊ rosuidsedar i n-aroile cnuc inti .i. ceann Crochain ⁊ adbert mac Liag: Is imda cnoc ⁊ loch ⁊ dingna ⁊ robad fis mor a fis uili. Albert Ilrachtach: damad he mac Lonain nobeith sunn nobiad aici a fis dinds.eanchais cach inaid sund. Adbert mac Liag: Gabair sut ⁊ crochair he. Rochunnig Ilrechtach dal co maidin ⁊ tucad do can a chrochad, ⁊ rothraisc an aidchi sin co toracht anum Floind meic Lonain dia chobair. o drechtadar madan moch iarnabarach, adchonncadar chucu mac Lonan ⁊ adbert riu: Leigid uaib in cimid ⁊ indisfead duib seanchas cach dingna sunna isin nEchtgi. Rosaerad amlaid sen in timpanach cen a chrochad ac mac Liag ⁊ adbert mac Lonan and sin in duan-sa and.
Trí hollamain Chondacht • • Source document


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 3, Todd Lecture Series, 10, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1913.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 3: <link> Internet Archive – vols. 1-3: <link>  : View in Mirador
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2017, last updated: January 2024