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Tochmarc Lúaine ⁊ aided Athairne ‘The wooing of Luan and the death of Athirne’

  • Middle Irish
  • Medieval Irish literature about poets, Ulster Cycle
  • Middle Irish
second half of the 12th century (Breatnach)


Medieval Irish literature about poetsMedieval Irish literature about poets

Ulster Cycle
Ulster Cycle
id. 1797

The term ‘Ulster Cycle’ is used in modern scholarship to refer to a body of Irish narrative literature set in the heroic age of the Ulaid around the time of Conchobar mac Nessa.


(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
Chief poet and satirist of the Ulstermen in the Ulster Cycle.

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(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
druid to Conchobar mac Nessa, king of Ulster, in the Ulster Cycle; husband of Ness and possible father of Conchobar mac Nessa.

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Celtchar (mac Uithechair);Celtchar
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
Celtcha(i)r mac U(i)thechair, warrior in the Ulster Cycle of tales.

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Conall Cernach
Conall Cernach
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
Warrior of the Ulaid in the Ulster Cycle; son of Amergin and Findchóem. In Irish genealogies, he is presented as an ancestor of the kings of the Dál nAraidi and the Uí Echach Coba.

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Conchobar mac Nessa
Conchobar mac Nessa
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
king of the Ulaid in tales of the Ulster Cycle; son either of Cathbad or Fachtna Fáthach (father) and Ness (mother); husband of Mugain; father of Cormac Cond Longas, Cúscraid Mend Macha, Furbaide Fer Bend and Fedelm Noíchrothach; fosterfather of Cú Chulainn.

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Cú Chulainn
Cú Chulainn
Young Ulster hero and chief character of Táin bó Cuailnge and other tales of the Ulster Cycle; son of Súaltam or Lug and Deichtire (sister to Conchobor); husband of Emer (ingen Forgaill)

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Cúscraid Mend Macha
Cúscraid Mend Macha
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
warrior in the Ulster Cycle, son of the Ulster king Conchobar mac Nessa.

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Eógan mac Durthacht
Eógan mac Durthacht
No short description available

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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Manannán mac Lir
Manannán mac Lir
mythological figure in Irish literature, typically associated with the sea

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Munremar mac Gerrcind
Munremar mac Gerrcind
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
warrior in tales of the Ulster Cycle; commonly identified as a son of Gerrcend

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Sencha mac AilellaSencha mac Ailella
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Breatnach, Liam [ed.], “Tochmarc Luaine ocus Aided Athairne”, Celtica 13 (1980): 1–31.
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley [ed. and tr.], “The wooing of Luaine and the death of Athirne”, Revue Celtique 24 (1903): 270–287, 446 (add. and corr.).
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
[corr.] Stokes, Whitley, “Corrections and additions [Rev. Celt. t. XXIV]”, Revue Celtique 25 (1904): 458.
Internet Archive: <link>

Secondary sources (select)

Findon, Joanne, “Nes, Deirdriu, Luaine: fated women in Conchobar’s life”, in: Sarah Sheehan, Joanne Findon, and Westley Follett (eds), Gablánach in scélaigecht: Celtic studies in honour of Ann Dooley, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 154–170.
Dennis Groenewegen, Patrick Brown
Page created
April 2011, last updated: January 2024