A supplement to the bibliography of Fergus Kelly, A guide to early Irish law. Early Irish Law Series 3 (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1988) 287-95

1988-2012 (updated regularly)
Academic publications in English, German, French and Irish
Compiled by Bart Jaski, keeper of manuscripts, University Library of Utrecht
Version 7 February 2014

Archan, Christophe Les chemins du jugement: procédure et science du droit dans l'Irlande médiévale Preface by Pierre-Yves Lambert and Jean-Pierre Poly (Paris 2007).
——— ‘L’enseignement du droit dans l’Irlande médiévale’, Droit et cultures — Hors série-2010 (2010) 47-71.
——— ‘Amairgin et ses héritiers. Les poètes-juges de l’ancienne Irlande’, in Vertiges du droit. Mélanges Franco-Helléniques à la mémoire de Jacques Phytilis ed. Andréas Helmis, Nathalie Kalnoky and Soazick Kerneis (Paris 2011) 63-82.
——— ‘Les règles de droit dans la prose du Dindshenchas de Rennes’, Droit et cultures 64 (2012) 91-113.
——— ‘La vérité du feu. Ordalien et jugement dans l’Irlande médiévale’, in Les justices de l’invisible ed. Raymond Verdier, Nathalie Kalnoky and Soazick Kerneis (Paris 2013) 269-87.

Baumgarten, RolfCo Nómad n-Ó: an Early Irish Socio-legal Timescale’, Peritia 17-18 (2003-4) 338-56.

Bemmer, Jaqueline ‘Validity and Equality in Early Irish Contract Law: Dliged and Cert in the Light of Cóic Conara Fugill’, Studia Celtica Fennica 8 (2011) 5-18.

Borsje, Jacqueline ‘Rules & Legislation on Love Charms in Early Medieval Ireland’, Peritia 21 (2010) 172-90.
——— ‘Love Magic in Medieval Irish Penitentials, Law and Literature: A Dynamic Perspective’, Studia Neophilologica 84: Supplement 1, Special Issue (2012) 6-23.

Borsje, Jacqueline, and Fergus Kelly ‘“The Evil Eye” in Early Irish Literature and Law’, Celtica 24 (2003) 1-39.

Bracken, Damian ‘Immortality and Capital Punishment: Patristic Concepts in Irish Law’, Peritia 9 (1995) 167-86.
——— ‘Latin Passages in Irish Vernacular Law: Notes on Sources’, Peritia 9 (1995) 187-96.
——— ‘The Fall and the Law in Early Ireland’, in Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Texte und Überlieferung ed. Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (Dublin 2002) 147-69.

Breatnach, Liam ‘An Aoir sa ré Luath’, Léachtaí Cholm Cille 18 (1988) 11-19.
——— ‘The First Third of Bretha Nemed Toísech’, Ériu 40 (1989) 1-40.
——— ‘Lawyers in Early Ireland’, in Brehons, Serjeants and Attorneys: Studies in the History of the Irish Legal Profession ed. D. Hogan and W. N. Osborough (Dublin 1990) 1-13.
——— ‘Varia V’, Ériu 41 (1990) 139-41.
——— ‘Sedulius Scottus, St. Gall Stiftsbibliothek 73, and Latin in the Irish Laws’, Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 16 (1993) 123-24.
——— ‘Law’, in Progress in Medieval Irish Studies ed. Kim McCone and Katharine Simms (Maynooth 1996) 107-21.
——— ‘On the Original Extent of the Senchas Már’, Ériu 47 (1996) 1-43.
——— ‘On the Glossing of the Early Irish Law-texts, Fragmentary Texts, and Some Aspects of the Laws relating to Dogs’, in Celtica Helsingiensia. Proceedings from a Symposium on Celtic Studies ed. Anders Ahlqvist et al. (Helsinki 1996) 11-20.
——— ‘Cáin Ónae: an Old-Irish Law Text on Lending’, in Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins ed. Jay Jasanoff, H. Craig Melchert and Lisi Oliver (Innsbruck 1998) 29-46.
——— ‘On Satire and the Poet’s Circuit’, in Unity in Diversity. Studies in Irish and Scottish Gaelic Language, Literature and History ed. Cathal G. Ó Háinle and Donald Meek (Dublin 2004) 25-35.
——— ‘Miscellanea Hibernica’, in A Companion in Linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday ed. Bernadette Smelik et al. (Nijmegen 2005) 141-51.
——— A Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici (Dublin 2005).
——— ‘Satire, Praise and the Early Irish Poet’, Ériu 56 (2006) 63-84.
——— ‘Varia 1. An Old Irish Gloss on Cáin Lánamna’, Ériu 57 (2007) 155-60.
——— ‘Araile Felmac Féig don Mumain: Unruly Pupils and the Limitations of Satire’, Ériu 59 (2009): 111-37.
——— ‘Law and Literature in Early Mediaeval Ireland’, in L'Irlanda e gli Irlandesi nell'Alto Medioevo (Spoleto, 16-21 aprile 2009), Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo 57 (Spoleto 2010) 215-38.
——— ‘The King in the Old Irish Law Text Senchas Már’, in Celtic Language, Law and Letters. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica ed. Folke Josephson (Göteborg 2010) 107-28.
——— The Early Irish Law Text Senchas Már and the Question of its Date. Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Mediaeval Gaelic History 13 (Cambridge 2011).
——— ‘Varia III. The Meaning of nómad*’, Ériu 62 (2012) 197-205.

Bruy, CarineTanaise Ríg: an Alternative Interpretation’, Études Irlandaises 27-2 (2002) 77-105.

Carey, John ‘The Two Laws in Dubthach’s Judgment’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 1-18.
——— ‘The Testimony of the Dead’, Éigse 26 (1992) 1-12.
——— ‘An Edition of the Pseudo-historical Prologue to the Senchas Már’, Ériu 45 (1994) 1-32.

Charles-Edwards, Thomas Early Irish and Welsh Kinship (Oxford 1993).
——— ‘A Contract between King and People in Early Medieval Ireland? Críth Gablach on Kingship’, Peritia 8 (1994) 107-19.
——— ‘The Construction of the Hibernensis’, Peritia 12 (1998) 209-37.
——— The Medieval Gaelic Lawyer. Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Mediaeval Gaelic History 3 (Cambridge 1999).
——— Early Christian Ireland (Cambridge 2000).
——— ‘Law in the Western Kingdoms between the Fifth and the Seventh Century’, in The Cambridge Ancient History, xiv: Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, AD 425–600 (revised edition) ed. Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins and Michael Whitby (Cambridge 2000) 260–87.
——— ‘Érlam: The Patron-saint of an Irish Church’, in Local Saints and Local Churches in the Early Medieval West ed. Alan Thacker and Richard Sharpe (Oxford 2003) 267-90.
——— ‘Dliged: its Native and Latinate Usages’, Celtica 24 (2003) 65-78.
——— ‘Early Irish Law’, in A New History of Ireland: I. Prehistoric and Early Ireland ed. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (Oxford 2005) 331-70.
——— ‘Bretha Nemed’ and ‘Law Texts, Celtic [1] Irish’, in Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopedia vols 1-5, ed. John T. Koch (Santa Barbara, CA 2006) I, 247-8 and III, 1109-12.
——— ‘Whitley Stokes and Early Irish Law’, in The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830-1909) ed. Elizabeth Boyle and Paul Russell (Dublin 2011) 161-74.

Coira, M. Pía ‘Law and the Rhetoric of Sovereignty in the Poetry of Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn’, Éigse 36 (2008) 195-214.

Corthals, Johan ‘Affiliation of Children: Immathchor nAilella ⁊ Airt’, Peritia 9 (1995) 92-124.
——— ‘The Áiliu Poems in Bretha Nemed Dédenach’, Éigse 37 (2010) 59-91.

Crigger, Bette-Jane ‘Crazy like a Fox: on Rehabilitating the Old Irish Legal Apparatus’ Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 13 (1993) 82-92.
——— ‘Amail Arinchain Fénechas: Discourse Characteristics of Early Irish Law Texts’, in Origins and Revivals: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies ed. Geraint Evans, Bernard Martin and Jonathan Wooding (Sydney 2000) 401-16.

Davies, Luned Mair ‘Collectio Canonum Hibernensis’, in Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopedia vols 1-5, ed. John T. Koch (Santa Barbara, CA 2006) II, 465-6.

Dunn, MarilynTánaise ríg: the Earliest Evidence’, Peritia 13 (1999) 249-54.

Eska, Charlene M. ‘Rewarding Informers in Cáin Domnaig and the Laws of Wihtred’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 52 (2006) 1-11.
——— ‘Non-lawful Betrothal in Early Irish Law’, Keltische Forschungen 3 (2008) 33-43.
——— ‘Varieties of Early Irish Legal Literature and the Cáin Lánamna Fragments’, Viator 40 (2009) 1-16.
——— Cáin Lánamna. An Old Irish Treatise on Marriage and Divorce Law (Leyden 2010).
——— ‘Problematic Pigs: Swine Values in Bodleian Manuscript Rawlinson B 506’, Celtica 26 (2010) 23-30.
——— ‘Women and Slavery in the Early Irish Laws’, Studia Celtica Fennica 8 (2011) 29-39.
——— ‘Marriage by Purchase in Early Irish Law’, in Tome: Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards ed. Fiona Edmonds and Paul Russell (Woodbridge 2011) 183-91.
——— ‘Celtic and Germanic Light on Hittite Divorce Law’, Journal of Indo-European Studies 40:3-4 (2012) 300–14.

Etchingham, Colmán ‘The Early Irish Church: Some Observations on Pastoral Care and Dues’, Ériu 42 (1991) 99-118.
——— Church Organisation in Ireland A.D. 650-1000 (Maynooth 1999).

Etchingham, Colmán and Catherine Swift, ‘English and Pictish Terms for Brooch in an 8th-century Irish Law-text’, Medieval Archaeology 48 (2004) 31-49.

Finnane, Rowena Late Medieval Irish Law Manuscripts (Sydney 1995).
——— ‘Reconciling the Tension between Stasis and Change in the Late Medieval Irish Law Manuscripts’, in Origins and Revivals: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies ed. Geraint Evans, Bernard Martin and Jonathan Wooding (Sydney 2000) 417-27.

Fomin, Maxim ‘Classifications of Kings in Early India and Ireland’, Studia Celtica Fennica 4 (2007) 31-46.

Gerriets, Marilyn ‘Theft, Penitentials, and the Compilation of the Early Irish Laws’, Celtica 22 (1991) 18-32.

Henry, Patrick ‘A Note on the Brehon Law Tracts of Procedure and Status, Cóic Conara Fugill and Uraicecht Becc’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49-50 (1997) 311-9.

Herbert, Máire ‘Dlithe an Domhnaigh in Éirinn, 600-750 AD’, in Cothú an Dúchais: Aistí in Ómós don Athair Diarmaid Ó Laoghaire S.J. ed. Máirtín
Mac Conmara and Éilís Ní Thiarnaigh (Dublin 1997) 60-69.

Jaski, Bart ‘Marriage Laws in Ireland and the Continent in the Early Middle Ages’, in ‘The Fragility of her Sex’? Medieval Irishwomen in their European Context ed. Christine Meek and Katharine Simms (Dublin 1996) 16-42.
——— ‘Early Medieval Irish Kingship and the Old Testament’, Early Medieval Europe 7 (1998) 329-44.
——— ‘Cú Chulainn, Gormac and Dalta of the Ulstermen’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 (1999) 1-31.
——— Early Irish Kingship and Succession (Dublin 2000).
——— ‘Cú Chuimne, Ruben and the Compilation of the Collectio Canonum Hibernensis’, Peritia 14 (2000) 51-69.
——— ‘King and Household in Early Medieval Ireland’, in Familia and Household in the Medieval Atlantic World ed. Benjamin T. Hudson (Tempe, Arizona, 2011) 89-122.

Kelly, Fergus ‘A Note on Old Irish Círmaire’, Celtica 21 (1990) 231-3.
——— ‘Early Irish Law: the Present State of Research’, Études Celtiques 29 (1992) 15-23.
——— Early Irish Farming. A Study Based Mainly on the Law-texts of the 7th and 8th Centuries AD (Dublin 1997).
——— ‘Medicine and Early Irish Law’ in 2000 years of Irish Medicine ed. J. B. Lyons (Dublin 1999) 15-19. Repr. in Irish Journal of Medical Science 170 (2001) 73-6.
——— ‘Trees in Early Ireland’, Irish Forestry. Journal of the Society of Irish Foresters 56 (1999) 39-57.
——— ‘Giolla na Naomh Mac Aodhagáin: a Thirteenth-century Legal Innovator’ in Mysteries and Solutions in Irish Legal History ed. Desmond Greer and Norma Dawson (Dublin 2001) 1-14.
——— ‘Texts and Transmissions: the Law-texts’, in Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Texte und Überlieferung ed. Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (Dublin 2002) 230-42.
——— ‘Law Texts’ in Medieval Ireland: an Encyclopedia ed. Seán Duffy (New York and Abingdon 2005) 264-66.
——— ‘Thinking in Threes: the Triad in Early Irish Literature’ (Sir John Rhŷs Memoral Lecture), Proceedings of the British Academy 125 (2004) 1-18.
——— ‘Senchas Már’, in Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopedia vols 1-5, ed. John T. Koch (Santa Barbara, CA 2006) IV, 1604-5.
——— ‘Cauldron Imagery in a Legal Passage on Judges (CIH IV 1307.38-1308.7)’, Celtica 26 (2010) 31-43.
——— ‘The Relative Importance of Cereals and Livestock in the Medieval Irish Economy: The Evidence of the Law-texts’, in L'Irlanda e gli Irlandesi nell'Alto Medioevo (Spoleto, 16-21 aprile 2009), Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo 57 (Spoleto 2010) 93-108.
——— ‘The Recovery of Stolen Property: Notes on Legal Procedure in Gaelic Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man’, in Tome: Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards ed. Fiona Edmonds and Paul Russell (Woodbridge 2011) 165-71.

Kelly, Patricia ‘Two Relative Clauses in Críth Gablach’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49/50 (1997) 373-7.
——— ‘The Rule of Patrick: Textual Affinities’, in Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Texte und Überlieferung ed. Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (Dublin 2002) 284-95.

Kleefeld, John C. ‘From Brouhahas to Brehon Laws: Poetic Impulses in the Law’, Law and Humanities 4:1 (2010) 21-61.

Latvio, Riitta ‘Status and Exchange in Early Irish Laws’, Studia Celtica Fennica 2 (Helsinki 2005) 67-96.
——— ‘Neimed: Exploring Social Distinctions and Sacredness in Early Irish Legal Sources’, in Approaches to Religion and Mythology in Celtic Studies ed. Katja Ritari and Alexandra Bergholm (Newcastle 2008) 220-42.
——— ‘Immunity and Liability in Neimed-Commoner Relationships’, in Celtic Language, Law and Letters. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica ed. Folke Josephson (Göteborg 2010) 129-49.

Lindeman, Frederik Otto ‘A Note on a Difficult Passage in Brétha Déin Chécht’, Celtica 21 (1990) 252.

Mac Eoin, Gearóid ‘The Briugu in Early Irish Society’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49-50 (1997) 482-93.

Mac Lean, Douglas ‘The Status of the Sculptor in Old-Irish Law and the Evidence of the Crosses’, Peritia 9 (1995) 125-55.

Márkus, Gilbert Adomnán’s ‘Law of the Innocents’ (Glasgow 1997).

McCone, Kim Pagan Past and Christian Present in Early Irish Literature (Maynooth 1990).
——— ‘Varia I: The Etymology of Old Irish Déis “Client(s)”’, Ériu 43 (1992) 193-7.

McGowan, Megan ‘Royal Succession in Earlier Medieval Ireland: the Fiction of Tanistry’, Peritia 17-18 (2003-4) 357-81.

McLeod, Neil Early Irish Contract Law (Sydney 1991).
——— ‘Irish Law: Significant Numbers and the Law of Status’, Peritia 9 (1995) 156-66.
——— ‘Property and Honour-price in the Brehon Law Glosses and Commentaries’, The Irish Jurist 31 (1996) 280-95.
——— ‘The Ól: Standard Drinks in Medieval Irish Law’, Australian Celtic Journal 5 (1996-7) 5-8.
——— ‘Assault and Attempted Murder in Brehon Law’, The Irish Jurist 33 (1998) 351-91.
——— ‘The Not-so-exotic Law of Dian Cécht’, in Origins and Revivals: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies ed. Geraint Evans, Bernard Martin and Jonathan Wooding (Sydney 2000) 375-93.
——— Bloodshed and Compensation in Ancient Ireland (Perth 1999).
——— ‘900 Years of Mayhem: the Irish Legal Materials’ in Literature and Politics in the Celtic World: Papers from the Third Australian Conference of Celtic Studies ed. Pamela O’Neill and Jonathan Wooding (Sydney 2000) 182-206.
——— ‘Kinship’, Ériu 51 (2000) 1-22.
——— ‘Di Ércaib Fola’, Ériu 52 (2002) 123-216.
——— ‘Compensation for Fingers and Teeth in Early Irish Law’, Peritia 16 (2002) 344-59.
——— ‘Brehon Law’ in The Encyclopaedia of Ireland ed. Brian Lalor (Dublin 2003) 121-2.
——— ‘The Metalworking Tradition in Medieval Irish Law’ in Between Intrusions: Britain and Ireland between the Romans and the Normans. Papers from the 2003 Melbourne Conference ed. Pamela O'Neill (Sydney 2004) 103-13.
——— ‘Brehon Law’ in Medieval Ireland: an Encyclopedia ed. Seán Duffy (New York and Abingdon 2005) 42-5.
——— ‘A True Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici’, Peritia 19 (2005) 136-63.
——— ‘An Introduction to Tanistry’ in Exile and Homecoming: Papers from the Fifth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, July 2004 ed. Pamela O'Neill (Sydney 2005) 163-80.
——— ‘St Brigid and Women’s Rights’, Táin 36 (2005) 18-20.
——— ‘Crólige mBáis’, Ériu 59 (2009) 25-36.
——— ‘Fergus mac Léti and the Law’, Ériu 61 (2011) 1-28.

McLaughlin, Roisin Early Irish Satire (Dublin 2008).

Melia, Daniel F ‘A Computer-assisted Index to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici’, in Proceedings of the First North American Congress of Celtic Studies ed. Gordon W. MacLennan (Ottawa 1988) 133-56.

Mohr, Thomas ‘Salmon of Knowledge’, Peritia 16 (2002) 360-95.

Mori, Setsuko ‘Irish Monasticism and the Concept of Inheritance: an Examination of its Legal Aspects’ in Comparative Aspects of Irish and Japanese Economic and Social History (a bound volume of Ireland-Japan Papers No.1-No.8). Supplementary issue to the Journal of International Economic Studies, ed. Taro Matsuo(Tokyo 1993) 123-47.

Murray, Kevin ‘A Middle-Irish Tract on Cró and Díbad’, in Seanchas. Studies in Early and Medieval Irish Archaeology, History and Literature in Honour of Francis J. Byrne. ed. Alfred P. Smyth (Dublin 2000) 251-60.
——— ‘Lulgach “a Milch Cow”’, Celtica 24 (2003) 223-4.
——— ‘Catshlechta and other Medieval Legal Material Relating to Cats’, Celtica 25 (2007) 143-59.

Nagy, Joseph Falaky ‘Sword as Audacht’, in Celtic Languuage, Celtic Culture: a Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp ed. A. T. E. Matonis and Daniel F. Melia (Van Nuys, Calif., 1990) 131-6.

Ní Chonaill, Bronagh ‘Contentious Kinship: The Penumbra of Established Kinship in Medieval Irish Law’, in Tome: Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards ed. Fiona Edmonds and Paul Russell (Woodbridge 2011) 173-82.

Ní Dhonnchadha, Máirín ‘An Address to a Student of Law’, in Sages, Saints and Storytellers. Celtic Studies in Honour of Professor James Carney ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Liam Breatnach and Kim McCone (Maynooth 1989) 159-77.
——— ‘The Lex Innocentium: Adomnán’s Law for Women, Clerics and Youths, 697’, in Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women’s Status in Church, State and Society ed. Mary O’Dowd and Sabine Wichert (Belfast 1995) 53-76.
——— ‘The Law of Adomnán: a Translation’, in Adomnán at Birr, AD 697. Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents ed. Thomas O’Loughlin (Dublin 2001) 53-68.

Ní Ghráda, Jennifer ‘A Legal Perspective on the Saer and Workshop Practice in Pre-Norman Ireland’, in Making and Meaning in Insular Art: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Insular Art …Trinity College Dublin, 25–28 August 2005 ed. Rachel Moss (Dublin 2007) 110-25.

Ó Cathasaigh, Tomás Táin Bó Cúailnge and Early Irish Law. Osborn Bergin Memorial Lecture 2003 (Dublin 2005).

Ó Corráin, Donnchadh ‘Irish Vernacular Law and the Old Testament’, in Irland und die Christenheit. Ireland and Christendom ed. Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (Stuttgart 1987) 284-307.
——— ‘An Dlí agus an Sean-tiomna’, Léachtaí Cholm Cille 20 (1990) 32–48.
——— ‘Women and the Law in Early Ireland’, in Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women’s Status in Church, State and Society ed. Mary O’Dowd and Sabine Wichert (Belfast 1995) 45-57.
——— ‘Some Cruxes in Críth Gablach’, Peritia 15 (2001) 311-20.
——— ‘Early Medieval Law, c. 700–1200’, in The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing 4: Irish Women's Writing and Traditions ed. Angela Bourke et al. (Cork 2002) 6-44. Includes translations of ‘Cáin Lánamna (The Law of Couples) (c. 700)’ (22-26) and ‘Díre (Marriage and Families) (c. 700)’ (26-27).
——— ‘Synodus II Patricii and Vernacular Law’, Peritia 16 (2002) 335-43.

Oliver, Lisi ‘Forced and Unforced Rape in Early Irish Law’ Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 13 (1993) 93-106.

O’Loughlin, Thomas ‘Marriage and Sexuality in the Hibernensis’, Peritia 11 (1997) 188-206.
——— ‘Canon Law’ in Medieval Ireland: an Encyclopedia ed. Seán Duffy (New York and Abingdon) 63-4.

Ó Riain, Pádraig ‘A Misunderstood Annal: A Hitherto Unnoticed Cáin’, Celtica 21 (1990) 561–6.

O'Sullivan, Catherine Marie Hospitality in Medieval Ireland, 900–1500 (Dublin, 2004).

Owen, Morfydd E. ‘Some Points of Comparison between Early Irish and Early Welsh Law’, in Ireland and Wales in the Middle Ages ed. Karen Jankulak and Jonathan Wooding (Dublin 2007) 180-200.

Parkes, Peter ‘Celtic Fosterage: Adoptive Kinship and Clientage in Northwest Europe’ Comparative Studies in Society and History 48 (2006) 359-95.

Patterson, Nerys Thomas ‘Brehon Law in Late Medieval Ireland: “Antiquarian and Obsolete” or “Traditional and Functional”?’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 43-63.
——— ‘Patrilineal Kinship in Early Irish Society: the Evidence from the Irish Law Texts’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 37 (1990) 133-65.
——— ‘Gaelic Law and the Tudor Conquest of Ireland: the Social Background of the Sixteenth-century Recensions of the Pseudo-historical Prologue to the Senchas Már’, Irish Historical Studies 27 no. 107 (1991) 193-215.
——— Cattle-lords and Clansmen. The Social Structure of Early Ireland (Notre Dame 1994).

Powell, Timothy E ‘The Idea of the Three Orders of Society and Social Stratification in Early Medieval Ireland’, Irish Historical Studies 29 (1995) 475-89.

Russell, Paul ‘Laws, Glossaries and Legal Glossaries in Early Ireland’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 51 (1999) 85-115.

Sayers, William ‘Sports Injuries and the Law in Early Ireland’, Ludi Medi Aevi 2 (1990) 4-5.

Schrijver, Peter ‘Oir. gor “Pious, Dutiful”: Meaning and Etymology’, Ériu 47 (1996) 193-204.

Scowcroft, R. MarkRecht Fáide and its Gloss in the Pseudo-historical Prologue to the Senchus Már’, Ériu 53 (2003) 143-50.

Simms, Katharine ‘The Contents of Later Commentaries on the Brehon Law Tracts’, Ériu 49 (1998) 23-40.
——— ‘Gaelic Military History and the Later Brehon Law Commentaries’, in Unity in Diversity. Studies in Irish and Scottish Gaelic Language, Literature and History ed. Cathal G. Ó Háinle and Donald Meek (Dublin 2004) 51-67.

Smith, Amy ‘A Note on Cethairshlicht Athgabálae’, Celtica 26 (2010) 161-70.

Smith, Peter ‘Aimirgein Glúngel Tuir Tend: a Middle-Irish Poem on the Authors and Laws of Ireland’, Peritia 8 (1994) 120-50.

Stacey, Robin Chapman ‘Ties that Bind: Immunities in Irish and Welsh Law’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 39-60.
——— ‘Law and Order in the Very Old West: England and Ireland in the Early Middle Ages’ in Crossed Paths: Methodological Approaches to the Celtic Aspect of the European Middle Ages ed. Benjamin T. Hudson and Vicki Ziegler (Lanham, Maryland 1991) 39-60.
——— The Road to Judgment. From Custom to Court in Medieval Ireland and Wales (Philadelphia 1994).
——— ‘Law and Memory in Early Medieval Ireland’, Journal of Celtic Studies 4 (2004) 43-69.
——— ‘Law and Literature in Medieval Ireland and Wales’, in Medieval Celtic Literature and Society ed. Helen Fulton (Dublin 2005) 65-82.
——— Dark Speech, The Performance of Law in Early Ireland (Philadelphia 2007).
——— ‘Learning Law in Medieval Ireland’, in Tome: Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards ed. Fiona Edmonds and Paul Russell (Woodbridge 2011) 135-44.

Swartz, D. D. ‘The Legal Status of Women in Early and Medieval Ireland and Wales in Comparison with Western European and Mediterranean Societies: Environmental and Social Correlations’ Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 13 (1993) 107-18.

Tatsuki, Akiko ‘The Early Irish Church and Marriage: an Analysis of the Hibernensis’, Peritia 15 (2001) 195-207.

Tranter, Stephen J.Ut dixit Cicero: a Note on De Dlighedh Gotha’, Studia Celtica Japonica 9 (1997) 11-17.

Warntjes, Immo ‘Regnal Succession in Early Medieval Ireland’, Journal of Medieval History 30 (2004) 377-410

Additions to the bibliography in the Guide for the period from 1970 to 1988:

Dumville, David ‘Language, Literature, and Law in Medieval Ireland: Some Questions of Transmission’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 91-8.

McLeod, Neil ‘Parallel and Paradox: Compensation in the Legal Systems of Celtic Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England’, Studia Celtica 16-17 (1981-82) 25-72.
——— ‘The Concept of Law in Ancient Irish Jurisprudence’, The Irish Jurist 17 (1982) 356-67.

Melia, Daniel F. ‘The Irish Church in the Irish Laws’ in The Early Church in Western Britain and Ireland ed. Susan M. Pearce (Oxford 1982) 363-78.
——— ‘Law and the Shaman Saint’ in Celtic Folklore and Christianity: Studies in Memory of William W. Heist ed. Patrick K. Ford (Santa Barbara 1983) 113-28.

Ó Corráin, Donnchadh ‘Some Legal References to Fences and Fencing in Early Historic Ireland’ in Landscape Archaeology in Ireland ed. Terence Reeves-Smyth and Fred Hamond (Oxford 1983) 247-52.

Patterson, Nerys Thomas ‘Kinship Law or Number Symbolism? Models of Distributive Justice in Old Irish Law’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 5 (1985) 49-86.

Scott, B. G. ‘An Early Irish Law Tract on the Blacksmith’s Forge’, The Journal of Irish Archaeology 1 (1983) 59-62.

Sheehy, Maurice ‘Influences of Ancient Irish Law on the Collectio Hibernensis’ in Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Medieval Canon Law ed. Stephan Kuttner (Vatican City 1971) 31-42.

Walters, D. B. ‘The General Features of Archaic European Suretyship’ in Lawyers and Laymen. Studies in the History of Law Presented to Professor Dafydd Jenkins ed. T. M. Charles-Edwards, M. E. Owen and D. B. Walters (Cardiff 1986) 92-118.

Ward, Alan ‘“Will” and “Testament” in Irish’, Ériu 24 (1973) 183-5.


With thanks to Fergus Kelly for giving me permission to publish this list, and Neil McLeod for a number of additions. For references added after March 2005 I have also drawn upon the bibliography in Liam Breatnach, A Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici (Dublin 2005) 484-99; and on Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, F. J. Byrne and Peter Harbinson, ‘Bibliography’, in A New History of Ireland: I. Prehistoric and Early Ireland ed. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (Oxford 2005) 996-1147, at 1019-24. For publications on early medieval Irish law prior to 1971, see also the bibliographies of early Irish linguistics and literature referred to at http://bill.celt.dias.ie/.

Please send additions to and corrections on the list until 2012 to b.jaski@uu.nl


Jaski, Bart, “A supplement to the bibliography of Fergus Kelly, A guide to early Irish law”, Dennis Groenewegen [project director], CODECS: online database and e-resources for Celtic studies, Online: Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies, 2012–. URL: <https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/Supplement_to_GTEIL>. 
A supplement to the bibliography of Fergus Kelly, A guide to early Irish law (1988). The supplement supersedes an earlier version which was first published on the website of Utrecht University.