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Source:Vita Ælfredi regis/ch. 007/007
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textual items
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ch. 7
Ch. 7 (year 853 AD), ed. Stevenson, Asser's Life of King Alfred; tr. Keynes and Lapidge, Alfred the Great: concerning Burged, king of the Mercians, and the subjection of the Welsh between Mercia and the western sea.
Item serial number
007 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.

7. Anno Dominicae Incarnationis DCCCLIII, nativitatis autem Ælfredi regis quinto, Burgred, Merciorum rex, per nuncios deprecatus est Æthelwulfum, Occidentalium Saxonum regem, ut ei auxilium conferret, quo mediterraneos Britones, qui inter Merciam et mare occidentale habitant, dominio suo subdere potuisset, qui contra eum immodice reluctabantur. Nec segnius Æthelwulfus rex, legatione eius accepta, exercitum movens, Britanniam cum Burghredo rege adiit, statimque ut ingreditur, gentem illam devastans, dominio Burgredi subdit. Quo facto, domum revertitur.
7. In the year of the Lord's Incarnation 853 (the fifth of King Alfred's life), Burgred, king of the Mercians, sent messengers to Æthelwulf, asking him for help, so that he could subject to his authority the inland Welsh, who live between Mercia and the western sea, and who were struggling against him with unusual effort. As soon as King Æthelwulf had received his embassy, he assembled an army and went with King Burgred to Wales, where immediately on entry he devastated that race and reduced it to Burgred's authority. When he had done this, he returned home.
Welsh people No associated entry available from the subject index
Burgred ... king of the Mercians <strong>Burgred ... king of the Mercians</strong> <br><em class="text-muted">No short description available</em>
Æthelwulf ... king of Wessex No associated entry available from the subject index
Lexical items
Lat. Britones
Lat. Britannia