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Page name:
Source:Verba Scáthaige/poem/00001
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textual items
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Poem beg. A mbe<ë> eirr ōengaile, ed. and tr. P. L. Henry, ‘Verba Scáthaige’, Celtica 21 (1990).
Item serial number
00001 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
The poetic rhythm is largely trisyllabic (anapaestic or dactylic), although exceptions to the rule occur: 8, 20, 29. [...]


# 00001 Verba Scáthaige
The poetic rhythm is largely trisyllabic (anapaestic or dactylic), although exceptions to the rule occur: 8, 20, 29. [...]
See P. L. Henry, ‘Verba Scáthaige’, Celtica 21 (1990): 195ff.