1494. Teinm
1495. Timchomac
1496. Turcreic
1497. Toirne
1498. Tóudh
1499. Tóudh
1500. Teinm
1501. Tascar
1502. Targraighe
1503. Turorgain
1504. Tellais
1505. Tlacht
1506. Tochra
1507. Taircsin
1508. Talmaidi
1509. Tighba
1510. Tí
1511. Tuidme
1512. Tlacht
1513. Tuba
1514. Tuarta, Tórta
1515. Tiscail
1516. Tuirthim
1517. Terbadh
1518. Tairim
1519. Texsaidh
1520. Tathcria
1521. Tathluithe
1522. Tuidhmithe
1523. Tobaide
1524. Talmaide
1525. Tascrat
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