
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

1121. Iuger

1122. Impetoir

1123. Indesc

1124. Imglaic

1125. Imdich

1126. Inde

1127. Indebar

1128. Imchim

1129. Indrud

1130. Inlolaigh

1131. Ingaib

1132. Inardraighther

1133. Imderinn; imdernum

1134. Iadhach

1135. Iarnn

1136. Imrola

1137. Imruimther

1138. Ingnum

1139. Imidágat

1140. Indsorguin

1141. Inchosc

1142. Indrocht

1143. Inotchet

1144. Immanetar

1145. Inbleogan

This page has not as yet been published.

It is work in progress, but we hope to get it published in the foreseeable future.


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Source:O'Davoren's glossary/I 1121-1145
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