
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

1205. Maeth

856. Foruirmi

857. Fochmen

858. Fuach

859. Faesamh

860. Fath

861. Fornesa

862. Fuilngenn

863. Fiu

864. Fuiregar

865. Fochreic

866. Fúr

867. Fuirec

868. Fenamain

869. Fe

870. Flesc

871. Frisisailither

872. Fristoing

873. Ferngnia

874. Foferthar

875. Fiadh

876. Foendelach

877. Fele

878. Foth

879. Feiis; bes

880. Felmac

881. Foircither

882. Forcan

883. Foimdib

884. Fordul

885. Fiam

886. Féigh

887. Feraid

888. Feirceirne

This page has not as yet been published.

It is work in progress, but we hope to get it published in the foreseeable future.


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Source:O'Davoren's glossary/F 856-888
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