
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

731. Dodhamna

732. Doria

733. Dron

734. Doriasaidhigh

735. Dinn

736. Dédhoirnn

737. Den

738. Dochu

739. Dinnis

740. Dae

741. Darmna

742. Dírainn

743. Dinn

744. Docóesat

745. Dobrith

746. Durbaidhe

747. Doringbadh

748. Deimne

749. Duim

750. Dociallathar

751. Dumha

752. Dechrum

753. Dercha suirnd

754. Difot

755. Dethbir

756. Denma

757. Denma

758. Dainntech

759. Des

760. Dorncla

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It is work in progress, but we hope to get it published in the foreseeable future.


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Source:O'Davoren's glossary/D 731-760
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