455 Condacht
456. Cumail
457. Corrguineacht
458. Congillne
459. Cechra
460. Coltra
461. Cutail
462. Coman
463. Comairb
464. Cutaim
465. Caidh
466. Clú
467. Cil
468. Cen conn
469. Coitechta
470. Conoiscet
471. Clothra
472. Cuithech
473. Coibne
474. Cuic lanna seoit
475. Cathiugud
476. Cres
477. Conscara
478. Cobluth
479. Cuire
480. Cul
481. Coibne
482. Cuindelg
483. Cro
484. Caem
485. Caeptha
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