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Source:Macgnímartha Find/§ 01/3. Cumall and his wives
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Macgnímartha Find - § 1
(3) Cumall and his wives

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§ 1
§ 1. Concerning Cumall mac Trénmóir, ed. Kuno Meyer, ‘Macgnímartha Find’, Revue Celtique 5 (1882). Cf. the Suide Find episode in Acallam na senórach (ed. Stokes, l. 6530 ff).
Item serial number
3. Cumall and his wives ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
Cumall’s wives: Torba, daughter of Eochamán of the Érainn; and after her, Muirne muncháem.

(3) Cumall and his wives

# 3. Cumall and his wives Macgnímartha Find
Cumall’s wives: Torba, daughter of Eochamán of the Érainn; and after her, Muirne muncháem.
marital relationships;
Cumall mac Trénmóir <strong>Cumall mac Trénmóir</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Finn mac Cumaill) <br>father of Finn mac Cumaill; a fían-leader who fell in the battle of Cnucha.
Torba ... daughter of Eochamán of the Érainn <strong>Torba ... daughter of Eochamán of the Érainn</strong> <br><em class="text-muted">No short description available</em>
Muirne Muncháem <strong>Muirne Muncháem</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Finn Cycle) <br>mother of Finn mac Cumaill; daughter of Tadg mac Núadat.