‘Against the irrational opinion of the people about hail and thunder’, treatise by Agobard (d. 840), bishop of Lyons, ed. L. van Acker, Agobardi Lugdunensis opera omnia, CCCM 52, Turnhout: Brepols, 1981. 3-15 (cf. Patrologia Latina CIV). Agobard criticises local belief in the effectiveness of tempestarii (sorcerers in control of storms and similar weather phenomena that are harmful to agriculture), offering ample biblical passages to refute and correct it. Some discussion is to be found in Rob Meens, ‘Thunder over Lyon: Agobard, the tempestarii and Christianity’ in Paganism in the Middle Ages... (2012) and see the references provided there.

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Source:Contra insulsam vulgi opinionem de grandine et tonitruis (Agobard of Lyons)
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