
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

Irish aígidecht

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Source:Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill I/12 (Díarmait’s death)/01
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§ 12. Díarmait’s death at the feast in Ráith Becc
On the threefold death of Díarmait mac Cerbaill, ed. and tr. O'Grady from Egerton 1782. While on circuit, Díarmait accepts Banbán’s invitation to a feast at Ráith Becc. Prophesied circumstances surrounding the king’s death come true and he dies a threefold death.
Item serial number
01 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
When Díarmait goes on a circuit around Ireland, he travels clockwise (Tara—Leinster—Munster—Connacht—Ulster—Tara), always back in time to celebrate the festival of Tara at Samain. One time, he meets a layman (Banbán, as it turns out later on), who invites the king to a night of entertainment (oígidecht) at his house nearby. Mugain refuses to join Díarmait because an invitation of the king is a bad omen.
When Díarmait goes on a circuit around Ireland, he travels clockwise (Tara—Leinster—Munster—Connacht—Ulster—Tara), always back in time to celebrate the festival of Tara at Samain. One time, he meets a layman (Banbán, as it turns out later on), who invites the king to a night of entertainment (oígidecht) at his house nearby. Mugain refuses to join Díarmait because an invitation of the king is a bad omen.
Díarmait mac Cerbaill <strong>Díarmait mac Cerbaill</strong> <br>(<em>supp. d.</em> 565) <br>In Irish historical tradition, high-king of Ireland, son of Fergus Cerrbél.
Banbán of Ráith Becc <strong>Banbán of Ráith Becc</strong> <br>layman in the tale of <em>Aided Díarmata meic Cerbaill</em>, in which he invites Díarmait, king of Tara, to his house at Ráith Becc, where the king meets his end.
Mugain ingen Chonchraid <strong>Mugain ingen Chonchraid</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Díarmait mac Cerbaill) <br>one of Díarmait mac Cerbaill's wives and mother of Áed Sláine
Lexical items
Ir. aígidecht