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Page name:
Source:A Rí richid, réidig dam/04/st 077-078
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Page class
textual items
Belongs to context
Stanzas 73–100, largely concerning Finn
st. 73–100 (largely on Finn), dipl. ed. R. I. Best • M. A. O'Brien, The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 3 (1957): 583–586; ed. and tr. Kuno Meyer, ‘The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem 'A Rí richid, réidig dam'’ in Fianaigecht... (1910): 46–51.
Item serial number
st 077-078 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
On Finn’s visit, at the age of eight, to Dath Í at Tara: he slew Aillén [Meyer’s emendation], who held a candle and a timpán [?]. All said (ar cách): ‘a timpán for sleep (cotlud)!’; it was customary every Samain and the candle used to burn brightly.

st. 77-78

# St 077-078 A Rí richid, réidig dam
On Finn’s visit, at the age of eight, to Dath Í at Tara: he slew Aillén [Meyer’s emendation], who held a candle and a timpán [?]. All said (ar cách): ‘a timpán for sleep (cotlud)!’; it was customary every Samain and the candle used to burn brightly.
Finn mac Cumaill <strong>Finn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Finn Cycle,IdFinn mac Cumaill,IdCormac mac Airt) <br>Finn mac Cumaill (earlier <i>mac Umaill</i>?), Find úa Báiscni: central hero in medieval Irish and Scottish literature of the so-called Finn Cycle; warrior-hunter and leader of a <i>fían</i>
Nath Í mac Fíachrach <strong>Nath Í <i>al.</i> Feradach (Dathí)</strong> <br>(<i>supp. fl.</i> late 4th / first half of the 5th century) <br>legendary high-king of Ireland; son of Fíachra mac nEchach Muigmedóin
Aillén mac Midgna <strong>Aillén mac Midgna</strong> <br><em class="text-muted">No short description available</em>