Irish mug

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Source:A Rí richid, réidig dam/02/st 45-47
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textual items
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Stanzas 34–53
st. 34–53 (incl. many synchronisms), dipl. ed. R. I. Best • M. A. O'Brien, The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 3 (1957): 578ff.
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st 45-47 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.

st. 45–47

# St 45-47 A Rí richid, réidig dam
There are six ways of note that confound the branch of genealogy (cráeb (n)génelaig): (1) intrusion of base families (dáer-chlaind) taking the place and name of noble families (sáer-chlaind); (2) the expansion of serfs (mogad), a shameful thing; (3) and the extinction of lords (díbad tigerna); (4) the withering away of the noble families, a dreadful horror, with the expansion of vassal folk (forbairt na n-athechthúath); (5) mis-writing (míscribend) in the guise of learning (éolas) by the ignorant (in an-éolais) of evil intent; (6) or the learned (ind éolais) themselves, no whit better, who write what is false for gain.
Lexical items
Ir. mug