Project:Bibliography/Early Irish law/Distraint
General and various
- Guides, introductions and bibliographies
- Editions and translations
- List of publications (by year)
- List of publications (by author)
- Bart Jaski’s supplement (2014)
Polity, people and law
- The túath
- external relations
- outsiders
- Rural character
- Rank and status
- dependant status
- unfree status (dóer)
- The kin-group (fine)
- maternal kin (máithre)
Law of persons (1)
- king
- lord and client
- clientship; base client; free client; fuidir (semi-freeman); bothach; senchléithe
- briugu (hospitaller)
Law of persons (2)
- cleric
- poet
- female poet; illegal satirist
- lawyer
- brithem; aigne
- physician
- druid
- manufacturers
- wright; blacksmith; other
Law of persons (3)
- woman
- child
- slave
- captive (cimbid)
- Contracts, pledges and sureties
- Distraint (athgabál)
- Legal entry (tellach)
- Procedure
- Punishment
Law texts
- Comparative aspects
- early Irish law and narrative
- early Irish law and canon law
- early Irish law and medieval Welsh law
Early Irish law
Law of distraint (athgabál)
law of distraint (athgabál)
Forms of distraint other than athgabál íar fut
athgabál immleguin
athgabál aile
The practice in post-Norman times
Act of Edward IV
Textual sources