
The following table of contents is based on the catalogue description by Ó Cuív.

Three prefixed leaves

p. i–p. vi
Three leaves, unnumbered, inserted at the beginning:
  • [iii]: 17th-century English note "An Irish Chronology with a Prophecy in the Conclusion", probably by Charles Fairfax, whose signature ("C Fairfax") is found on the same page.
  • [vi]: note, probably by Charles Fairfax, on the foundation of Trinity College Dublin in 1591; list of 10 provosts, from Adam Loftus to Samuel Winter

Irish adaptation of the Expugnatio Hibernica

p. 1.1–p. 105.13
Irish version of the Expugnatio Hibernica by Gerald of Wales, probably based on an English version of the latter. Additions:
  • p. 1: signature "C Fairfax"
  • pp. 2 and 3: English notes in the margin, possibly in the same hand as the note on p. 127, comment on the Irish text.

Irish syllabic verse

p. 105.14
[A chuirp, cia is comhairleadh dhuid] Incipit: A chuirp cia is comhairle dhuid
p. 107.1
Incipit: Cuir srian rem chorp a Choimdhe
p. 108.7
Incipit: Deunum oirchill ar an écc
p. 110.9
Incipit: Ar tfháosamh damh a Dé athor
p. 112.5
Incipit: Anois diolaim deachmhaidh nDé
p. 113.3
Incipit: Maircc iarras iomlaoid chainte
p. 114.17
Incipit: Iomdha uaisle ar iath Laighean
p. 117.1
Incipit: Bean ar natheirghe Eire
p. 120.1
Incipit: Each gan earaidhin in fhearcc
p. 123.1
Incipit: Do togbhadh meirge Mhurchaidh
p. 126.17–p. 126.30
[A nÉirinn thiocfos tosach an adhbhoir] Incipit: A nÉirinn thiocfos tosach an adhbhoir
A prophecy attributed to Merlin (Meirling, Merling). Additions:
  • Ends "Finis" (English hand, probably Charles Fairfax)
p. 127.1
  • An English note, written no later than 1638, says that the military expedition undertaken that year by the Earl of Strafford in the north ("to curbe the Scotts") has fulfilled part of Merlin's prophecy.
  • Another, much larger hand has written the name Rich Howarde.
  • Calculation in yet another hand: 1500 + 0067 + 0071 = 1638.
  • A drawn hand points a finger to the first note, probably underscoring its relationship with the prophecy of p. 126.
  • p. 128.1–p. 128
    Incipit: Cúl cas crebhach géugach cúachach cas
    p. 128.5
    Incipit: Bean brúicheart híodglac na néurla slim
    Here followed by scribal note "C.M. .cc.". Additions:
  • p. 128: signature "C Fairfax", with the year 1655
  • p. [1]–p. [4]
    Two inserted leaves, unnumbered and without text