
First section (ff. 1–58)

f. 5vb.24–f. 6va.34
f. 6vb.1
[Scéla Siluester ocus Constantin] Heading/rubric: ‘Scéla Silvester in Papa ⁊ Consatin indister sund’
f. 27ra.36–f. 29ra.10
Irish version of Bede's De locis sanctis
f. 29ra.11–f. 30va.29
Homily on charity
f. 30va.30–f. 32vb.20
f. 32vb.21–f. 32vb.27
Scribal notes
scribal addition x
f. 32v
Two drawings in the lower part of the page: on the left, the five provinces of Ireland represented by five sections in a circle; across the page, the candlestick (menorah) of Moses, with note.
f. 33r.1–f. 33v
[Annálad anall uile] Heading/rubric: ‘Annalad anall h-uile’
57 qq.